The largest regions in Russia

There are 83 constituent entities on the territory of the Russian Federation, including republics, territories, regions, autonomous districts and cities of federal significance. The territory occupied by some Russian regions surpasses even such significant states as France, Spain, Great Britain, etc.

The top 10 included largest regions in Russia by area occupied.

10 Vologda region | Area 144 thousand square meters. km

The largest regions in Russia

Vologda region opens the top ten largest regions of the Russian Federation. It is located on an area of ​​144 thousand square meters. km, which in percentage terms equals approximately 0,85% of the entire territory of the country. About 1,2 million people live here, and the population density is 8,22 people/sq. km. The subject was formed in 1937 by dividing the Northern region into Arkhangelsk and Vologda.

9. Murmansk region | Area 145 thousand square meters. km

The largest regions in Russia

Murmansk region ranked ninth among the largest regions of the Russian state. It covers an area of ​​145 thousand square meters. km. – 0,85% of the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The date of its formation is May 28, 1938. 762 thousand 173 people live on the territory of the subject, which is 5,26 people/sq. km. About 70% of the area is occupied by the Kola Peninsula. On the territory of the region there is the Baltic Crystalline Shield, which is a real mineralogical treasury, unparalleled in the world in terms of the variety of minerals and resources. Some of them are not found anywhere else.

8. Novosibirsk region | Area 177 thousand square meters. km

The largest regions in Russia

Novosibirsk region ranks eighth among the largest regions of the Russian Federation. The area occupied by it is 177 thousand square meters. km, which is 1,4% of the entire territory of Russia. About 2,7 million people live in the region, and the population density is 15,54% of people/sq. km. The main part of the population is Russian (93%), about 7% are Germans, Ukrainians and Tatars. The subject was formed in 1937, when the West Siberian Territory was divided into the Altai Territory and the Novosibirsk Region. More than 500 deposits of various natural resources of the country are located here.

7. Sverdlovsk region | Area 194 thousand square meters. km

The largest regions in Russia

Sverdlovsk region is one of the largest in Russia. Its lands are located on 194 thousand square meters. km, as a percentage of the country’s area, this is 1,14%. The subject is part of the Ural Federal District. Its foundation took place in 1732. The administrative center is the city of Yekaterinburg, which was previously called Sverdlovsk. More than 4 million people live here, which is 22,28 people/sq. km. This is one of the most densely populated regions of the state. On its territory there are deposits of gold, platinum, asbestos, bauxite, nickel, iron, manganese, chromium and copper. The largest chemical plant of the Russian Federation Uralchimplast is located here.

6. Tomsk region | Area 314 thousand square meters. km

The largest regions in Russia

Among the largest regions of the Russian Federation Tomsk region ranks sixth. It accounts for 314 thousand square meters. km, which is 1,84% of the entire territory of the state. About 63% of the total area is occupied by taiga forests, and 29% is swamps. In terms of the territory occupied, the Tomsk region is slightly larger than Poland (310 thousand sq. km). The subject is part of the Siberian Federal District. The date of its formation is August 13, 1944. More than 1 million people live in the Tomsk region, which is 3,42 people/sq. km. As for natural resources, the territory abounds with them: there are about 100 oil fields, the largest reserves of coal, non-ferrous and ferrous metals, peat and natural gas.

5. Amur Region | Area 362 thousand square meters. km

The largest regions in Russia

Amur Region ranked fifth among the largest regions of Russia. It occupies an area of ​​362 thousand square meters. km, which is equal to 2,12% of the total area of ​​the Russian Federation. The date of formation of the subject is considered to be October 20, 1932. For a long time it was part of the Khabarovsk Territory, but in 1948 it was separated into an independent region. In total, 805 thousand 689 people live in the region, and the population density is 2,23 people/sq. km. Currently, one of the world’s largest gas processing plants is being built here, which will include the largest helium production complex. In addition, this subject is rich in minerals and has huge reserves of timber.

4. Magadan region | Area 462 thousand square meters. km

The largest regions in Russia

Magadan region ranks fourth among the largest regions of Russia. Subject with a total area of ​​462 thousand square meters. km occupies 2,7% of the entire state. The founding date of the region is December 3, 1953. 146 thousand 345 people live on the territory of the subject, which is equal in density to 0,32 people/sq. km. The main part of the population are Russians (72%) and Ukrainians (15%). The Magadan region is fully related to the regions of the Far North, where permafrost reigns. On its territory there are large deposits of silver, gold, tin and tungsten. At the end of 2015, 979 tons of silver and 22 tons of gold were mined here.

3. Arkhangelsk region | Area 590 thousand square meters. km

The largest regions in Russia

Arkhangelsk region opens the top three of the subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of area. The territory occupied by the subject is 590 thousand square meters. km, which is equal to 3,5% of the area of ​​the entire country. According to this indicator, the region surpasses such states as Spain (504 thousand sq. km) and France (547 thousand sq. km). The formation of the subject took place in 1937, when the Northern region of the RSFSR of the USSR was divided. About 1,2 million people live here, which is 1,22% of people / sq. km. The largest deposits of gypsum, limestone and anhydride are concentrated on the territory of the region.

2. Irkutsk region | Area 774 thousand square meters. km

The largest regions in Russia

Irkutsk Region ranks second among the largest regions of Russia. The total area occupied by the subject is approximately 774 thousand square meters. km, which is almost 5% of the total area of ​​the state. In terms of the territory it occupies, it is practically equal to Turkey, whose area is 780 thousand square meters. km. The date of foundation of the region is September 26, 1937, when the East Siberian region of the RSFSR was divided into Irkutsk and Chita. According to 2016 data, about 2,5 million people live here, which is equal to 3,11 people / sq. km. The Irkutsk region is one of the main suppliers of oil products, timber, coal and aluminum.

1. Tyumen region | Area 1 thousand sq. km

The largest regions in Russia

Tyumen Region is the largest region in Russia. The area of ​​the subject is 1464 thousand square meters. km, which is equal to 9% of the entire territory of the Russian Federation. If we combine Germany, Italy, France and Great Britain, then the territory occupied by them will be exactly equal to the Tyumen region. Its foundation took place in 1944 by separating some areas of the Kurgan and Omsk regions. The population according to the data for 2016 is 3 people, the density is 615 people/sq. km. Approximately 485% of the districts belong to the regions of the Far North. It is here that the main deposits of such minerals and natural resources as gas and oil are concentrated.

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