The Landscapes and Flavors of Spain protagonists in your Story

Literary competitions continue to rise and proof of this is the new initiative of MAGRAMA on “Micro-stories on Landscapes and Flavors of Spain.”

It is not an extensive narrative, only to carry out a reduced story of a minimum of 1200 characters that exposes, develops, engineers, mythologizes, environment or simply relates in a story some of the products of de Protected Designations of Origin (D.O.P.) or Protected geographical indications (I.G.P.)

In order to know what products to write about, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment It provides us with a digital environment through its website, where we can consult in detail which foods or which geographical areas have Differentiated Quality Seals.

The corners of any place on the peninsula or its islands are in luck, because they can be the protagonists of your story. Their traditions, their culture, their cuisine, their products, are part of that set of differential attributes of each place that will surely be willing to fill pages and words with their tasty contents.

You only have to be of legal age (18 years) and send the story before January 28 through the email address relatos@viajaporlossaboresdeespañ

The contest is one of the initiatives carried out by MAGRAMA to promote and support the dissemination of protected quality figures. (PDO and IGP) within the activities scheduled at the next International Tourism Fair (FITUR)

With the motto “Travel through the landscapes and flavors of Spain”, there will be multiple tastings, talks and promotions of different gastronomic and tourism-related aspects that will be a prelude to the conference Designation of Origin that have been programmed for this year 2015.

A suitcase with products with D.O.P. e I.G.P. they wait to reward the effort and creativity of the winner.

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