The Kremlin explained why there is no point in the second lockdown

The Kremlin explained why there is no point in the second lockdown

The press secretary of the head of the Russian Federation unequivocally claims that a new complete lockdown in Russia is not expected – despite the increase in the number of infections.

The Kremlin explained why there is no point in the second lockdown

In the Kremlin statedthat with the existing number of cases, our country can afford not to switch to a second lockdown. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov is confident that “we have managed to create an effective system to combat COVID-19.”

Peskov explained that in recent months, improved treatment protocols have been created, with the help of which it was possible to reduce the death toll from the coronavirus, and also to increase the hospital bed capacity.

“Yes, the number of infected is growing, but, nevertheless, the system works. It is only necessary to increase the self-awareness of people so that they take more effective measures, which only they, only people can take to minimize the threat of infection, “- concluded the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation.

The measures taken take into account the economic well-being of the country, although “the life and health of people is an absolute priority.”

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