The kids who surprised us: 12 most unusual babies – 2020

Birth is an amazing process in itself. But people and circumstances manage to make it simply amazing.

The girl whose mother gave birth while in a coma

The coronavirus has done a lot of trouble this year. But this story, fortunately, has a happy ending. Angela Primachenko, 27, a pediatric neonatologist from Vancouver, was 33 weeks pregnant when she tested positive for coronavirus. The condition of the expectant mother was rapidly deteriorating – a week later the doctors had to put her into a state of an artificial coma. The woman spent 10 days under mechanical ventilation in an unconscious state. And when I woke up, I found out that I had become a mother five days ago. It turns out that at one point Angela’s condition became so critical that the doctors decided to do a cesarean in order to save at least the baby. But they saved both.

Girl born 28 years after conception

In the West there is such a term – snowflake children. This is the name for babies born from frozen embryos. They often remain unclaimed, and the problem must be somehow solved – some embryos are even adopted. Molly Gibson became such a child. She was conceived in the laboratory back in October 1992. And only this February she was adopted, and in due time the baby was born.

Twins with a difference of 10 years

Here, as you might have guessed, it is also all about IVF. A married couple from China resorted to the help of assisted reproductive technologies back in 2009, the spouses could not conceive naturally. In the laboratory, several embryos were fertilized, one was planted, and the rest were frozen. The couple had a boy named Lu Lu. And 10 years later, they decided to repeat their experience, and it turned out that the most viable embryo of the remaining is Lu Lu’s twin. So Tung Tong was born, a boy who is 10 years younger than his twin.

Naturally conceived fives

Amy and Chad had two children growing up when Amy became pregnant for the third time. Chad insisted on another kid: he really wanted a big family. Amy doubted – the experience of previous pregnancies was very difficult, she even lost two babies, twins, who were born prematurely. But she made up her mind, got pregnant, and then it turned out that Chad’s dreams of a bigger family would come true with interest – an ultrasound scan showed fives! Labor began at 27 weeks. The babies were born very tiny, but they managed to get out.

Triplets conceived on different days

These children have not yet been born, according to doctors’ forecasts, they should be born in April-May next year. But their history is already unique – there are no more than a dozen such cases in the entire obstetric history. The mother of the triplets became pregnant for the first time, everything happened naturally. And the nonsense is that at first the girl conceived twins, and after 10-12 days – another baby. This phenomenon is called superfetation, when a woman is able to ovulate twice a month. Now the spouses have to turn into parents with many children overnight.

Girl born after 14 boys

It’s like you need to want a daughter in order to decide on the 15th pregnancy, and even at the age of 40! But Kateri Schwandt was not afraid – she gave birth to a girl when she was 45 years old. Now the family has 15 children – 14 boys and one princess. More precisely, the older children are no longer boys, but men – the first-born of the Schwandts turned 28 years old. And the youngest son is only 2 years old.  

Twins born to a 68-year-old mother

It is noteworthy that a woman became a mother for the first time – to give birth to her first children at such and such an age! As her husband said, they tried to have children since 1974. Nothing worked for 46 years. In the end, IVF attempts were crowned with success: Margaret became pregnant with twins, and her husband Noah became a happy father.

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