The ketogenic diet – healthy or not?

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“Eat fat to burn fat” – this is the essence of the ketogenic diet. Although it is commonly used in the fight against excess kilograms, it can be used, among others for the treatment of hypertension or diabetes. However, it has as many supporters as it has opponents who accuse the dangerous side effects of its use. Is it really so?

  1. Dieta ketogeniczna to jeden z modnych ostatnio modeli żywienia
  2. It assumes that the basis of nutrition should be fat, in favor of giving up carbohydrates
  3. It is a controversial method of nutrition that is not viewed positively by everyone. She was, inter alia, recognized as the second worst diet in 2021 (after the Dukan diet)
  4. You can find more such stories on the Onet homepage.

Principles of the ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet is a diet that involves increasing the supply of fats while limiting the consumption of carbohydrates. However, in order for it to be effective and not pose a threat to the body, it should be performed only under the supervision of a doctor and dietitian.

To consult a dietitian and plan your nutrition, make an appointment with an online specialist. Scheduling a TV visit is a way to shorten the waiting time for a consultation and allows you to do it without leaving your home.

Assumptions of the ketogenic diet they are mainly based on consuming the right amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. In a standard daily diet, most of us make up 50% of carbohydrates, 15% of proteins, and 35% of fats. all meals eaten.

  1. See also: The three worst diets for 2021

In a ketogenic diet, these proportions are radically different. Ketogenic diet assumes eating meals, in which as much as 80-90 percent. are fats, and the remainder, i.e. 10-20 percent. carbohydrates and protein. In non-dieters, carbohydrates are the main source of energy. In organisms people on a ketogenic diet There are few carbohydrates, so the energy source is insufficient. The body begins to look for alternative sources, which are fats.

It comes to the so-called ketosis, which is the breakdown of fats. As a result of it blood ketone levels is much higher than the glucose concentration. With a sufficiently low amount of carbohydrates, the feeling of hunger is suppressed. However, it increases when there are too many carbohydrates in a ketogenic diet. Therefore, the nutritional plan should be consulted with a specialist and preceded by appropriate tests.

The benefits of a ketogenic diet

Undoubtedly the advantage of a ketogenic diet is that during the first 2-3 months of its use we feel light, we are full of energy, our well-being improves. Main the purpose of the ketogenic diet there is a loss of weight – and indeed, strict adherence to the rules of the diet makes the weight decrease very dynamically.

As the use of glucose as an energy source is reduced, it is used by the nervous system. Therefore, there is a decrease in the amount of glycogen, i.e. polysaccharide composed of individual glucose particles. Loss of glycogen it also reduces the amount of water that glycogen accumulated in the muscles bound. As a result, our body weight drops.

  1. Redakcja poleca: Trzy najlepsze diety na 2021 r.

It is not without reason that the ketogenic diet is recommended for patients suffering from epilepsy, especially children struggling with drug-resistant epilepsy. An indication for the use of a ketogenic diet for health reasons it is also:

  1. Rett syndrome;
  2. Dravet’s syndrome;
  3. the Doose team;
  4. tuberous sclerosis.

It is not fully known why the ketogenic diet reduces the symptoms and frequency of epileptic seizures. Experts suspect this may be due to the fact that ketone bodies protect nerve cells from attack by free radicals.

Among the benefits of using a ketogenic diet it is often replaced too supporting the fight against insulin resistance, regulates insulin secretion, reduces the appetite for sweets, ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time, reduces swelling and helps to get rid of digestive ailments such as flatulence.

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Disadvantages of the ketogenic diet

While the ketogenic diet is very effective when it comes to losing weight, it cannot be used by everyone due to its potential side effects. Despite the initial injection of energy, better mood and a feeling of lightness, everything passes after about 2-3 months. There are problems with digestion, loss of energy, fatigue, problems with concentration, constant craving for sweets and an unpleasant body odor.

A large amount of fat in the diet it can lead to dysregulation of intestinal peristalsis and constant pain in the lower abdomen. Often people on a ketogenic diet complain of pollakiuria. After a long period of dieting, gout and increased uric acid levels may develop.

The ketogenic diet should absolutely not be used in people with diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas, as well as with a load of ketone bodies metabolism. Many experts also believe that the keto diet can negatively affect the body’s hormonal balance.

Before starting a diet or visiting a dietitian, do the appropriate tests without leaving your home to assess whether eating according to the principles of the diet will be appropriate for you.

What to eat in the ketogenic diet?

In a ketogenic diet, what we eat is equivalent to adhering to the right proportions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The amount of nutrients should be satisfied with wholesome, good quality products. Fats are the main source of calories, so it’s especially important to ensure their quality.

The main rule that we should follow when choosing fats consumed during the diet is that they should be foods with a high fat contentbut as little processed as possible. Let us choose saturated fat (butter, lard, coconut oil) and monounsaturated (nuts, avocado, oil). But what about polyunsaturated fats? If they are of animal origin, e.g. in fatty fish – we should definitely eat them. However, if they are found in processed products, such as margarine – better avoid them. So what should be on the list of fatty ingredients?

Protein in the ketogenic diet it should come from meat. The basic rule about animal protein consumed on a ketogenic diet is that the more protein there is in meat, the less we should eat. It should be remembered that it should be good quality meat from proven farms. The same principle also applies to eggs – this way we will avoid substances that burden our body.

Regarding carbohydrates in a ketogenic dietthey should come mainly from fruits and vegetables. The basic rule in their case is that the more carbohydrates in vegetables and fruits, the less we should eat. We should choose vegetables with as little sugar as possible, preferably green ones that grow above the ground.

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Contrary to appearances, list of products allowed on the ketogenic diet it is very rich and allows you to prepare a variety of meals. Products allowed on a ketogenic diet have:

  1. meat – beef, pork, game, poultry, lamb. The meat should come from trusted suppliers or organic farming;
  2. fish and seafood – mackerel, salmon, sardines and all seafood;
  3. eggs – they should come from a proven supplier or organic farming;
  4. natural fats – butter, olive oil, coconut oil;
  5. vegetables – spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, asparagus, eggplant, olives, zucchini, lettuce, cucumber, mushrooms, avocado, cabbage, Brussels sprouts;
  6. dairy products – full-fat milk, cream, yoghurt;
  7. peanuts;
  8. drinks – still water, black or green tea (without sugar), broth, coconut or almond milk;
  9. spices (in reasonable amounts) – basil, coriander, oregano, cinnamon, cumin, chili, parsley, thyme, rosemary.

If you want to introduce ketogenic elements to your diet, try the Keto Almond Cream Anka Dziedzic, which you can buy on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

What Not To Eat On A Ketogenic Diet?

By fixing menu in a ketogenic diet, it is necessary to take into account not only foods that can be eaten, but also those that are strictly prohibited. Belong to them:

  1. sugars – sweets, carbonated drinks, sweetened juices;
  2. grains – wheat products, corn, rice, cakes, pasta, breakfast cereals;
  3. starch – potatoes, bananas, oatmeal;
  4. fruits – bananas, grapes, pineapple, watermelon, apples, oranges;
  5. light products.

On a ketogenic diet, you can eat Rice – Diet Rice Konjac OstroVit, which you can buy at a favorable price at Medonet Market.

Ketogenic diet – menu

A ketogenic diet should be properly balanced, so creating a menu on your own is extremely difficult. It is worth going to a dietitian who – based on the needs of a specific organism – will develop a nutritional plan. Thanks to this, you will be sure that the ketogenic diet will help you get the results you want. When you have been on a ketogenic diet for a long time, it will not be so difficult to set a menu yourself. Here are some sample menus to help you do this.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. poor in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and monodietes can be devastating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and may also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

Day 1.

  1. breakfast: scrambled eggs with bacon;
  2. IIbreakfast: chicken breast with broccoli and olives;
  3. lunch: steamed salmon with herbs;
  4. afternoon tea: cottage cheese;
  5. dinner: fish with avocado.

Day 2.

  1. breakfast: full-fat yoghurt with cashew nuts and raspberries;
  2. 20nd breakfast: XNUMX pieces of almonds;
  3. lunch: cooked prawns with avocado salad
  4. afternoon tea: hummus with cauliflower florets;
  5. dinner: fish with avocado.

Day 3.

  1. breakfast: scrambled eggs with bacon and tomatoes;
  2. XNUMXnd breakfast: natural yoghurt with nuts;
  3. lunch: roasted chicken leg with herbs and sauerkraut salad;
  4. afternoon tea: pumpkin cream with coconut milk;
  5. dinner: herring salad.

Day 4.

  1. breakfast: tuna and egg salad;
  2. XNUMXnd breakfast: coconut milk cocktail with raspberries;
  3. lunch: beef stew with broccoli and cauliflower;
  4. afternoon tea: Greek yoghurt with peanut butter;
  5. dinner: fried egg with spinach.

Day 5.

  1. breakfast: omelette with bacon and vegetables;
  2. 20nd breakfast: XNUMX pieces of almonds;
  3. lunch: fried chicken breast with sun-dried tomatoes and spinach;
  4. afternoon tea: Greek yoghurt with pumpkin seeds;
  5. dinner: tuna and avocado salad.

Day 6.

  1. breakfast: paste of mackerel, pickled cucumber and mayonnaise;
  2. XNUMXnd breakfast: yogurt with nuts;
  3. lunch: lamb roast with steamed green vegetables;
  4. afternoon tea: kabanos sausages with radishes;
  5. dinner: beef tartare with egg yolk.

Day 7.

  1. breakfast: omelette with mushrooms and cheese;
  2. XNUMXnd breakfast: chicken breast salad with broccoli and olives;
  3. lunch: roasted pork neck in its own sauce with pickled cucumbers;
  4. afternoon tea: yoghurt with peanut butter;
  5. dinner: fish with avocado.

Ketogenic diet – effects

The effects of the ketogenic diet make pronounced weight loss – the rate of weight loss depends, however, on individual predispositions and the starting weight.

At the same time, it is worth being aware that in the first phase of using a diet, many side effects may appear, including dizziness, lethargy or constipation. After a maximum of a few weeks, these symptoms disappear as soon as the body switches to the new eating pattern. However, if the negative effects of dieting persist, stop using it and consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will certainly order blood and urine tests.

If you are planning to start a diet, weight may be a useful device. Some scales allow you not only to control your weight, but also to analyze your body composition.

See also:

  1. How to lose 5 kg? Here are specific and effective advice
  2. How to get rid of a protruding belly? Here’s an effective diet
  3. Is it hard for you to lose weight? You may be an endomorph

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