At every opportunity, we try to remind you of the key role that regular hydration plays, not only in the context of diet, but also in our lives. Especially now, when the temperature is rising, and with it the demand for water. It is the main component of our body – in the case of women, the percentage of water is about 50% of the body weight, in the case of men it is even about 60%. It’s not hard to guess that our body will need quite a lot of it to function properly – we should drink about 2-2,5 liters of water a day, and we have described it in more detail here: https://.pl/Czy-picie-wody-odchudza ?.
The title Japanese water diet is supposed to have numerous pro-health properties, although, as we mentioned at the beginning, we had some concerns when we heard this term for the first time – the water diet may evoke associations with starvation or other experiments that are dangerous to our health. It turned out, however, that the term “nutritional model” fits here better than the word “diet”.
What is the risk of water shortage in the body?
The ritual of drinking water, because this name is used interchangeably in the context of the Japanese water diet, it is a response to all the consequences of long-term dehydration of our body. Troublesome dry mouth and increased thirst are not pleasant, but they are the mildest symptoms of water deficiency in the body. In more severe cases, such a deficiency can cause problems with urination and the functioning of the kidneys, and these problems are really hard to get rid of. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), fluid loss by 5% causes problems with concentration, sleepiness or headache in 10% it can be a very serious threat for our health and even life.
And although it happens much less often, you can also overdo it with water the other way round – drinking a few liters of water in a very short time may also end badly for us. Good to remember, that the water cannot be drunk in reserve, the body should be hydrated around the clock (of course, when we are active), and drink the water slowly, in smaller but regular portions. But back to the topic of the article, what is this Japanese water diet all about? First of all, it encourages you to consume water regularly, shows its positive properties, but at the same time does not promise miraculous effects. It sounds pretty reasonable, although this is just the beginning.
The Japanese ritual of drinking water – what is it?
Let’s take a look at the rules, are they strict? Not necessarily, but may require some discipline and, most importantly, regularity:
- Every morning, before brushing your teeth, drink 160-200 ml of water,
- 45 minutes after drinking water, you can have breakfast,
- the same amount of water should also be drunk during the day, before each meal – no later than 20 minutes before consumption,
- the meal should be eaten within 15 minutes, paying attention to the size of the portion that we intend to eat at this time,
- do not drink water while eating a meal,
- after each meal, take a break during which you must not eat or drink anything,
- eat only balanced, healthy meals.
When following the Japanese water diet, categorically … |
It is not recommended to consume other types of drinks, especially sweet and carbonated ones, as well as fruit juices. |
You have to admit, it does not look and does not sound tragic, it is possible that some of these principles have already been used before. And now it gets interesting – in the case of this diet, is water equal to water? Well, not really.
What water to drink?
The Japanese water diet is supposed to be effective only if we consume traditional, still water. It is not recommended to use any substitutes, such as sparkling or flavored water. Each person also needs water with a different degree of mineralization. And so – both children and the elderly are recommended to consume low-mineralized water (with a density of minerals lower than 500 mg / dm ^ 3). Such water is also recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Other people, i.e. adults in the prime of life and strength, are recommended moderately mineralized water, and on warm summer days – highly mineralized water. Of course, these are generally accepted rules, a lot will depend on the lifestyle we lead and the work we do. Other indications include people who work physically on hot days, and office workers sitting in an air-conditioned room will have a different demand.
It does not change the fact that highly mineralized water (for example Muszynianka) is a good choice for healthy people, regardless of the diet. It is a source of, among others, sodium, calcium and magnesium, which are essential for the proper functioning of the body, and which we sweat quickly in the summer. And does the Far East water ritual support weight loss and what other health benefits can it provide?
The influence of the Japanese water diet on weight loss
Does following the rules of this diet really have a beneficial effect on our body? Let’s go back to the beginning of the article for a moment – hydration of the body is crucial, also in the process of healthy and effective reduction. Water not only speeds up metabolism, but also fills the stomach, which reduces the feeling of hunger and we do not feel pressure to eat another meal. The ritual of drinking water additionally prohibits the consumption of colored drinks, which are high in calories and forces strict hours of eating, which can be mobilizing.
We can cautiously assume that the Japanese aquatic diet will have a positive effect on weight loss. However, it is worth remembering at this point that it only regulates the amount and method of daily water intake and imposes the time and period of taking subsequent meals. It does not in any way indicate what kind of meals we should eat and which we should avoid. It is also not individually tailored to the needs of the recipient, so it will be safer to assume that it can be an interesting supplement to our eating style.
The Japanese Water Diet – Healthy or Not?
Losing weight with weight loss, but what about the alleged health benefits that the ritual was supposed to offer? As in the case of reducing unnecessary kilograms, regular hydration of the body will certainly not hurt us. In addition to improving intestinal peristalsis (water will help us avoid constipation), it will keep the skin moisturized and supple, and water should also contribute to our better well-being. Although it is difficult to attribute amazing healing properties to it, it ultimately influences most of the processes in the human body – as we illustrated in the graphic at the beginning of this article.
In conclusion, the Japanese aquatic diet can hardly be called a true diet. It is not recommended by any scientific community, but it is worth appreciating the idea of this social action initiated in Japan. Ultimately, it emphasizes the regularity and timing of fluid intake, thereby developing a beneficial hydration habit, and if you are currently on a healthy, balanced diet (such as Tasty Matches) but have trouble drinking water, this ritual can be quite helpful. .