I was confronted with the fact that I live in a society where it is fashionable to be thin. And even if your size is 44-46 in Russia and 38 in Europe, this is already a lot! I found out about it and safely forgot, until one of my friends told me! “Oh, how fat you are.” I got on the scales – the arrow treacherously showed – 57 (which is considered more than normal with a height of 168 cm). And I firmly decided: either I will be torn apart by a hundred million little hamsters, or I will weigh 50! I tormented myself for a long time, then I got a taste, and now I am ready to share my rich experience with you.
As soon as the thought of losing weight pierced my mind with an arrow, I immediately called my friend, a diet guru. She sent me to the Japanese. The Japanese diet is one in which you drink one solid black coffee for breakfast, and for lunch and dinner you throw eggs, boiled meat, carrots and something else in yourself. And so you have to hold out for 10 days. The first day passed heroically, on the second day my head began to spin and my brain refused to work. I was terribly cold all the time. On the night of the third to the fourth day, I dreamed of a dried gingerbread, the next morning I got up all in tears, stood on the scales. There was already 54. I decided that it was enough for the first time!
I was enough for exactly two months. The thirst to experiment with my body did not stop. I went online and found a diet with a not-so-curious name, “The Caveman’s Diet.” This diet takes us back to the Stone Age, when cavemen ate only one meal a day. The theory is that today’s three meals a day, with snacks in between meals, makes us gain weight. They say Liz Hurley ate once a day to lose postpartum pounds. I knew that one meal a day could lead to uncontrollable bouts of “wolfish appetite.” But I was sure that this was definitely not about me! I told everyone around that I was on a caveman’s diet, so that it would not be ugly to eat twice a day instead of one. She behaved courageously. Exactly 5 days. During this time, I ate one apple a day, or an orange or a cucumber, and on royal days I got a plate of rice. And all this time she looked extremely bad, started talking, was wildly angry and irritated and simply could not get out of bed. On the morning of the fifth I got to the mirror, in which I was greeted by a haggard and flaky face. And the situation was aggravated by the fact that in the morning of this day I found scraps of my hair on the pillow. Well, or rather not my own, since they were not on me, but on the pillow. The cave passions were over. And my weight was kept at 54 and did not want to move, well, fortunately, that neither in one direction nor in the other.
Although I am not an athlete, I have more than enough sports passion! I swore to myself: I’ll throw off another kilogram, well, two at most, and I’ll tie it up. Once again, I was faced with the choice of a new diet. The name “Dr. Atkins” was instantly credible! The theory is that if you reduce your carbohydrate intake, your body will quickly burn fat – your only source of fuel. Which will lead to weight loss. And so I began, like a madman, cracking some solid squirrels. For breakfast, lunch, and dinner! A piece of meat or fish for breakfast – well, it was difficult for me to persuade myself, but Dr. Atkins prescribed – it means it is necessary. I was a carnivore meat eater for exactly two weeks. During this time, not a single candy or even fruit got into my mouth. I lost weight. As much as three kilograms. But there were more than enough side effects: constipation, dizziness, wildly flaky skin on the body and face. I understood that it was time to stop, but I could not. Evaporating centimeters and kilograms became my drug. I told myself STOP !!! But it didn’t work.
And do you know what made me stop? The same friend who at one not less wonderful moment said: “Oh! How thin and flaky you are now. ” There was no limit to my inner exultation. I was glad and happy, but not for long. The feeling of joy was replaced by sadness. We do everything for the sake of men – this truth is as old as the world. Strange as it may seem, my incentive to lose weight to 50 was abruptly gone. But I’m already so used to my dietary hobby.
But there are still so many interesting diets that I have not been able to experience on myself: cabbage, grapefruit, by blood type, hunger strike on the water. Who else was sitting on, so interesting – share your experience.