The intestine is too irritable

Contrary to appearances, it is a disease that is harmless to health, and yet it occupies one of the first places on the list of ailments that make life difficult. Worse, it is not known what causes it, so treatment is not a simple matter. I am talking about irritable bowel syndrome.

This is one of those embarrassing topics. Because who wants to brag about toilet problems? It is also difficult to look for consolation in the fact that the disease is spreading more and more widely – it affects 20-30% of the adult population, mainly in highly developed countries. 80% are women, although the reason for this is quite trivial – ladies report this problem to a doctor more often.

Although Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) was recognized as a disease nearly 50 years ago, to this day scientists do not fully know what causes it, what factors contribute to it and how to effectively treat it. It is known for certain that it is a functional (regulatory) disturbance in the proper functioning of the intestines. This means that it is not associated with damage to the digestive tract – neither with its defective structure, nor with the presence of lesions, nor with biochemical abnormalities.

What is the disease?

Abdominal pain – dull or sharp, cramping or continuous, sometimes light, other times severe, as well as defecation disorders – diarrhea or constipation, abdominal distension – these symptoms occur in various combinations and severity. The variation in the clinical picture is so large that it is not easy to diagnose the disease. The matter is complicated by the fact that these symptoms accompany various diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, diagnosis requires observation and exclusion of other causes of disorders.

In practice, to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome, the so-called Roman criteria III. According to this approach, IBS is defined as having experienced discomfort or chronic abdominal pain characterized by at least two of the three characteristics over a period of three months for at least three consecutive days – a) symptoms resolved after defecation and was associated with a change in b) frequency of bowel movements and c) stool consistency. Characteristically, in the case of IBS, symptoms worsen 60-90 minutes after eating a meal and disappear after passing stool or gas. An important indication is no blood in the stool, keeping a constant weight and relieving symptoms at night. The pain is usually in the left side of the lower abdomen.

Read more: The intestine is highly irritable

IBS comes in three variants: constipation, diarrhea, and mixed. Despite the various specific symptoms, a certain regularity of the general symptoms can be noticed – the rhythm of bowel movements is disturbed, the stool consistency is changed, there is flatulence and discomfort or pain that disappears after defecation. In the diarrheal variant, as the name suggests, the main symptom is chronic diarrhea (liquid, mushy stools passed more than 3 times a day). In the constipation variant, the stool is passed less frequently, even twice a week. It is accompanied by difficulties with defecation and a feeling of incomplete defecation. In mixed disease, diarrhea and constipation alternate.

Mysterious causes

The causes of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome are not fully understood. However, most scientists are of the opinion that the source of the disease is not a single cause, but rather a whole range of overlapping factors.

A large proportion of scientific publications indicate that chronic stress and difficult life experiences play an important role. Based on the observations, it was found that this is when patients’ symptoms worsen. This ailment is also diagnosed more often in people leading a nervous lifestyle – the contractions and movements of the large intestine are controlled not only by the “pacemaker” located in the intestines, but also by the nervous and endocrine systems. Interestingly, there are many opinions that the relationship between the psyche and IBS is exactly the opposite and that psychological factors are not the cause of the disease, but its symptom or effect. Scientists looking for the causes of IBS also take into account genetic and dietary conditions. Some people cite bacterial enteritis as the cause.

Correction on the plate

Diet modification is a key element in the fight against irritable bowel syndrome. However, what we will eat, and what we should give up, largely depends on the variant of the disease, as well as individual predispositions. It is generally believed that fruit, root vegetables, white lean meats (preferably cooked), and fish are most appropriate. However, wheat bran, nuts and seeds, legumes, corn, citrus and sweets, cabbage and meals rich in fat should be excluded from the diet. You should drink strong coffee and tea in moderation, and give up carbonated drinks at all.

In the case of the diarrhea variant, it is recommended to eliminate fiber from the diet, i.e. to eat purified grain products, to limit vegetables and fruits rich in this compound (cabbage, peas, legumes, cauliflower, apricots, plums, pineapples, pears, raspberries), and to give up nuts , limiting strong spices, groats and dark bread. Dairy products, fatty cheeses and meats are not recommended. In the case of constipation, the opposite is true – dietary fiber is essential, thanks to which the intestinal contents move faster. We recommend groats, dark bread, bran, vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products and lean meats and cold cuts.

Pharmacology as a last resort

The main treatment for reducing IBS symptoms is diet (easier to introduce) and avoiding stress (much more difficult). Pharmacology is a ‘second line’ treatment – it is introduced when other approaches fail. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure specifically for IBS. Some people find it helpful to use antispasmodics, drugs that normalize or suppress the functioning of the intestines, anti-flatulence, tranquilizers, and sometimes antidepressants. However, laxatives are contraindicated! They irritate the nerve endings in the large intestine, which exacerbates the symptoms.

As the symptoms of the disease are individual, the response to drugs is different. What helps one will not work for the other. Hence, consultation with a doctor is so important. Importantly, it will calm you down, excluding a number of much more serious diseases. It is also worth considering psychotherapy. Studies have confirmed its beneficial effects in minimizing the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.


Do not hesitate, seek advice

  1. The first thing you should do is see a GP who will refer the patient to the Gastroenterology Clinic.
  2. In order to gain basic knowledge about the disease, it is worth reading dedicated websites on the Internet or visiting discussion forums, incl.,
  3. On the website: you will find addresses of sanatoriums where this disease is treated.

Text: Jagoda Cichocka

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