The inter-company crèche: how does it work?

Company nurseries, a solution to the shortage of places

Finding childcare is often a real headache for parents. And for good reason, in France, there is a shortage of between 230 and 000 childcare places under 3 years old, according to the latest report from the High Council for Family and Age *. In such a context, company or inter-company crèches make it possible to supplement the local offer of municipal crèches or individual childcare, which is too insufficient. These nurseries can each accommodate between 15 to 60 children. In total, these structures represent 8,75% of the places of reception in establishments of reception of the young children (EAJE), that is to say 38 places.

Definition: What is a company nursery? How do they work?

As their name suggests, company (or inter-company) nurseries welcome the children of the staff of one or more employers (companies, administrations, hospitals, etc.). Catherine Boisseau Marsault, Director of Studies and Foresight within the Observatory of Parenthood in Business (OPE), indicates that “ these establishments are very popular with employees, and not just by young parents. In general, the whole company adheres to such a project “. Moreover, for ten years, inter-company nurseries are multiplying throughout France. ” The opening up of public subsidies from Cafes to private operators has also encouraged the construction of inter-company crèches. From the point of view of both the employer and the employee, this is a real advantage.

It should be noted : We must differentiate the company nursery from the nursery companies. “We often mix things up,” says Laurence Rameau, an early childhood specialist. The company nursery which is located on the premises of the company or which operates in a network can be managed by different organizations (association, mutual society or nursery companies). It can also be under direct management, that is to say administered within the company itself (but this system hardly exists any more!). Since companies generally do not have the organizational means to operate a crèche, they generally call on a specialized organization: often a crèche company.

Employers reserve cots in inter-company crèches run by private groups (“crèche companies”). “For the employee, he has more choices: he can choose a place at the foot of his home, or close to his company or that of his spouse, or next to where the grandparents work, if they are they. who pick up the children!»Explains Elsa Hervy, general delegate of the French Federation of nursery companies. “Among our clients, there are cities that delegate the management of their nursery to us. There can therefore be no difference in management. »

Price: how much does the inter-company crèche cost?

The company or inter-company crèche is most of the time financed by the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF) or the Mutualité Sociale Agricole. Parents’ financial participation is calculated from a scale and varies according to household resources. The place in an inter-company crèche costs parents the same cost as the municipal crèche, on average 220 euros per month. When neither of these two organizations does not participate in the operating costs, the manager calculates the financial participation according to its own terms.

In addition, you will benefit from 2 euros of tax credit per year. To calculate precisely how much your place in a company nursery would cost you, you can do it on the CAF simulator.

How to create a private company nursery?

The opening of a company crèche is subject to the same regulations as other types of crèche. To open, they must imperatively obtain an operating authorization issued by the Chairman of the General Council, after consulting the PMI. The premises must respect precise safety standards and promote the awakening of children. As for the management team, it is made up 100% of early childhood professionals. At least 40% of qualified professionals (nursery nurses, educators of young children, childcare auxiliaries, nurses or psychomotor therapists). The remaining 60% are made up of personnel with various qualifications, such as the Early Childhood CAP or the Health and Social BEP. It should also be noted that it is imperative for the company to determine whether it will itself be the manager of the crèche or whether it entrusts the management to an external service provider.

What cost for the employer?

Most of the company nurseries were created following the introduction of the family tax credit, which entered into force on January 1, 2004 ”. This is a tax break intended for companies devoting part of their expenses to making the professional and family life of employees easier. From 25% when it was created, it has risen to 50% today. A place in a crèche costs between 10 and 17 euros per year. After deduction of financial assistance, it amounts to 6 euros for the employer.

Micro-crèches can also offer part of their cradles to businesses. These lighter structures (only 10 children for 4 employees) are either subsidized by CAF or by PAJE. If one of them has just opened below your home, you can go and ask if there are any “cribs without employer reservations”.

How to get a place in a company nursery?

First reflex: go see the HR department of your company, to find out if they have reserved cots in inter-company nurseries. Your HR will tell you which places are available. Companies reserve a quota of places. Then, a “mini-committee” meets within the company, steered by the company which manages the crèche. For the allocation of a place to an employee rather than another, the salary level will be taken into account, if it is a single person, if it is a multiple birth or a disabled child. .

If your employer has no space and you don’t need a full-time reception, you can try knocking on the door of a business-to-business crèche. Indeed, some have occasional part-time places (for example one day per week).

Good to know : Also note that if your nanny falls ill or has to be absent for several days, you can also go to your employer to ask him if he has “emergency reception places” in the network. Indeed, if it has taken several cradles for its employees, it will also benefit from emergency places offered for employees who do not have this type of care.

* On April 10, 2018, Sylviane Giampino, President of the Council for Children and Adolescents, and Michel Villac, President of the Family Council, submitted to Mrs. Buzyn, Minister of Solidarity and Health, the report on the reception of children under 3 developed and adopted jointly by their two councils.

Parents testify

Sophia and Bruno, parents of children at the Lavandières inter-company crèche, in Issy-les-Moulineaux

“It saved my life! »Exclaims Sophia, a mother, who came to pick up her little girl at the Lavandières nursery after her day’s work at Johnson & Johnson, a few meters away. “It was the cross and the banner to find a place in a municipal crèche”. By reserving cots at this business-to-business daycare, her employer solved the problem.

Bruno, an employee at Ecolab, is also won over: “IThere is no need to run, morning or evening, to drop off your child : the time saving is enormous. Above all, I benefit from the exemplary service of a private crèche, at the same cost as a municipal crèche. It is also very reassuring to know your child very close. ”

From there to taking a little jump in the day to replace the coffee break with a kissing break? “This is not desirable,” considers the director of the Lavandières crèche, Valérie Gressier. Having a child experience several separations in a single day is not necessarily suitable. But that doesn’t prevent some parents from taking advantage of lunchtime to take a quick look in the garden. Others prefer to send their colleagues to light… ”

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