The influence of tannins on the taste of wine

Tannins are the fourth most important parameter for evaluating wine (after acidity, sweetness and strength). Thanks to these substances, the wine seems to be drier, astringent and tart, and it also keeps better. Interestingly, the concentration of tannins in wine can be adjusted in several ways, which is useful for home winemakers.


Tannins are a class of plant-derived chemical compounds that are capable of forming strong bonds with proteins and polysaccharides, resulting in their tanning effect and astringent taste.

The second name of tannins is tannins.

Tannins are found in the bark, leaves, fruits, roots and seeds of plants. In nature, tannins inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora and protect plants from being eaten by animals, and in winemaking it is a natural preservative.

To feel the pure tannins on the palate, it is enough to crush the grape seed with your teeth.

How do tannins get into wine?

Tannins can get into wine in three ways:

  • from grapes – most of all tannins contain ridges, seeds and skins of grapes, and there are practically no tannins in their pulp and juice;
  • from wood – in the process of aging wine in an oak barrel, tannins from wood pass into a drink. In home winemaking, oak chips (chips) are often used instead of barrels. Many industrial wine producers also resort to this method, since it is much cheaper than barrels;
  • from powder – tannins in pure (concentrated) form are added to wine. This is the cheapest way, but its disadvantage is that, in addition to “tanning”, the wine does not receive any other properties. For example, the wood of the barrel additionally adds light vanilla tones to the wine, which the powder cannot boast of.

In the food industry, tannins are an additive E181, which is used as a coloring agent, as well as to give drinks an astringent and tart taste.

The most tannic wines

Most tannins are found in dark grapes with thick skins. Accordingly, the most tannic wines are red. In second place are yellow (due to the long exposure of juice with pulp during maceration), in third – pink. The content of tannins in white wines is insignificant, therefore, tannins in such drinks are remembered only sometimes and only after aging in barrels.

Grape varieties with a high concentration of tannins:

  • Cabernet Sauvignon;
  • Nebbiolo;
  • Tannat;
  • Montepulciano;
  • Pti cheese;
  • Pti verdo.

Accordingly, lovers of wines with astringent and astringent tastes should choose drinks from these grape varieties, preferably after aging in barrels.

The influence of tannins on the taste of wine
Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most tannic wines.

Grape varieties with low tannin content:

  • Pinot Noir;
  • Merlot;
  • Barbera;
  • Grenaš;
  • Game;
  • Zinfandel.

Drinks from these varieties can be recommended to lovers of “more delicate” wines with distinct fruit tones.

The benefits and harms of tannins

Tannins from red wine prevent oxidative processes in the human body, slowing down aging. Tannins also help with poisoning and radiation exposure, so preparations based on them are used in medicine. It is not for nothing that red wine is included in the diet of sailors who serve on nuclear submarines.

There is a theory that tannins can cause migraines, but this issue has not yet been fully studied, and supporters of this hypothesis, in addition to wine, will have to give up black tea, chocolate, cocoa, nuts and apple juice, since the concentration of tannins in these foods and drinks is also significant .

How to adjust tannins in homemade wine

The high content of tannins, along with normal acidity, contributes to the long-term storage of homemade wine and the balance of taste, so sometimes it is advisable for the winemaker to think about increasing the concentration of tannins in the wine. There are three ways to do this.

Time of contact of juice with pulp

The longer the juice is in contact with the skins, twigs and stones, the more tannins will be in the wine. To do this, the standard maceration time can be increased by 1-2 days, remembering to stir the must regularly to avoid souring.

The influence of tannins on the taste of wine
Most of the tannins get into the wine during maceration.

Some winemakers deliberately add grape combs, and some crush some of the seeds, but there is a risk that the wine will turn out bitter.

Aging in barrels or wood chips

The safest method to increase the concentration of tannins in wine. The barrel can be replaced by infusion of wine on wood chips. Unroasted wood chips have the most tannins, but woody and almond tones will appear in the drink, so it is better to use light or medium roasted wood chips that give vanilla, floral and fruity tones.

It is optimal to introduce wood chips (approximately 1-3 g/l) after several months of aging, when the bouquet of the wine is almost formed and it became clear what could be improved.

Addition of tannins in powder

Concentrated tannins are a red-brown or yellowish powder with a slight woody or floral aroma. In winemaking, they are used to stabilize the taste, as an antioxidant (prevent oxidation), as well as for clarification, color fixation and the treatment of certain wine diseases.

The influence of tannins on the taste of wine
Powdered tannins

There are no universal instructions for the dosage and use of tannins in powder, since they are made from different raw materials, so you need to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. You can find tannin powder in wine and moonshine stores.

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