The mutated variant of the coronavirus – the Delta strain – was identified back in December 2020. Now it is distributed in at least 62 countries, including Russia. It is he who is called the cause of the surge in infection in Moscow this summer.
As soon as we thought about getting rid of the hated virus as soon as possible, the world started talking about its new variety. Doctors sound the alarm: “Delta” is twice as infectious as ordinary covid – it is enough to walk nearby. It is known that one sick person is capable of infecting eight bystanders if he neglects the means of protection. By the way, new covid restrictions in the capital are largely associated with the emergence of the most dangerous “super strain”.
Recently, domestic media reported that Delta had already arrived in Russia – a single imported case was recorded in Moscow. WHO staff believe: the Indian strain has a mutation that can affect the action of antibodies on the virus. In addition, there are suggestions that he is able to survive even after the action of the vaccine.
Also, according to the latest research, children suffer the most from this disease. It is reported that in India, children and adolescents who have had coronavirus are increasingly being diagnosed with a kind of multisystem inflammatory syndrome. And this diagnosis is very young – it appeared in world medicine in the spring of 2020. It was then that doctors began to notice that at least a few weeks after recovery, some very young patients had a fever, rashes on the skin, pressure decreased and even some organs suddenly refused.
There is an assumption that after recovery, the coronavirus does not completely leave the body, but remains in it in the so-called “canned”, dormant form – by analogy with the herpes virus.
“The syndrome is serious, affects all organs and tissues in the child’s body and, unfortunately, disguises itself as various allergic conditions, rashes, that is, parents may not recognize it right away. It is insidious in that it does not appear immediately, but 2-6 weeks after the coronavirus infection, and if untreated, it is actually dangerous for the child’s life. Muscle pains, temperature reactions, skin rashes, swelling, hemorrhages – this should alert an adult. And we urgently need to see a doctor, because, unfortunately, it may turn out that all this is not for nothing, ”said pediatrician Yevgeny Timakov.
Unfortunately, the diagnosis of a terrible disease is still an extremely difficult process. Due to the overly varied manifestations of symptoms, it can be difficult to make an accurate diagnosis right away.
“This is not chickenpox, when we see acne and make a diagnosis, when we can take globulin for herpes and say that it is chickenpox. This is completely different. Multisystem syndrome is when a deviation occurs on the part of any organ or system. It is not a separate disease. It malfunctions the body, if you like, – the doctor explained.
Doctors have advised parents to ensure that their children do more physical exercise to prevent this syndrome. Being overweight and sedentary are reported to be the main risk factors.
In addition, doctors warn that in no case should we forget about the main quarantine measures: the use of personal protective equipment (masks, gloves) and the observance of social distance in crowded places.
Also, today, the most effective way so far is vaccination against coronavirus infection. Developers and doctors assure: vaccinations can indeed be effective against the Indian strain. The main thing to remember is that even after receiving the two components, there is a possibility of infection.
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