The incubation period of coronavirus in humans
The virus, entering the human body, may not manifest itself immediately – it has an incubation period, that is, a period of time between infection and the manifestation of the first symptoms of the disease. COVID-19 can do more than flu and SARS

For most viruses that cause SARS (and COVID-19 is one of them), the incubation period is similar and ranges from 1 to 10 days. But more often, symptoms appear after 3-5 days. The flu is even faster – in a day or two. Coronavirus, according to observations that are currently available, the incubation period may be longer.

How long is the incubation period of coronavirus

According to the WHO, the incubation period of the COVID-19 coronavirus can last from 1 to 14 days. But most often the disease manifests itself after 5 days.1.

In some patients, the coronavirus proceeds in a mild form and is no different from other colds – there are no complications. But there are also severe forms of infection that are accompanied by severe lung damage, usually bilateral, respiratory failure, systemic inflammation that provokes a cytokine storm, due to which serious and life-threatening complications occur.

british strain

The so-called British strain (its other names are 202012/01, line B.1.1.7 or strain 20B/501Y.V1) is considered by scientists to be more active than the original version of the virus. There is evidence that the incubation period has decreased by 1-3 days, and ranges from 2-3 to 10-11 days2.

Indian Strain

Data on the incubation period of this strain, called the delta coronavirus, is still scarce. Scientists believe that it has become more contagious and its incubation period has been reduced to 5 to 7 days. It is this strain that is increasingly being detected in Russia in connection with the development of the third wave3.

African Strain

The incubation period in the case of human infection with a new strain of coronavirus from southern Africa called “omicron” (B.1.1.529) is 5 days. He has different genetics from the delta strain, so it is still difficult to say how difficult the disease will be. So far, the new strain has been little studied, but it is already clear that it is highly contagious and spreads faster than its predecessors. 

What are the symptoms of a person during the incubation period of coronavirus

During the incubation period, the coronavirus does not manifest itself in any way – the person looks absolutely healthy and feels great. But this is not a reason to relax – if you have recently returned from countries where there is an epidemic of coronavirus or have frequent contact with people, it is likely that the virus has already entered your body.

In addition, asymptomatic course of the disease is possible.

Is a person contagious during the incubation period of coronavirus

During the incubation period, the virus is already in the body, but it is not enough. That is why there are no symptoms. But it actively multiplies and as soon as it becomes a lot, the disease makes itself felt.

During the incubation period, a person is usually not contagious. But doctors have another term – the latent period. This is the period of time from the moment of infection until the day when the patient himself becomes contagious. And it is shorter than the incubation one, on average, by a day. Roughly speaking: a person became infected, for three days he did not pose any danger to others, on the fourth day he became contagious, and he learns that he fell ill only on the fifth day. So outwardly healthy does not mean non-infectious. We can’t guess when we got the infection4.

Therefore, if you have come from a trip or it turns out that you have been in contact with a sick person, it is best to self-isolate: ask your employer to allow you to work remotely from home (this is in his own interests), do not contact family, friends and watch how you feel: how just noticed the first signs of a cold (fever, cough, runny nose) – call a doctor. Only he can give you an accurate diagnosis and decide whether you need special texts for coronavirus.

– The incubation period may decrease against the background of an unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol consumption, unbalanced diet, stressful situations, constant psycho-emotional stress, physical inactivity, poor material and living conditions, drug use, unfavorable moral climate in the family, low cultural and educational level), – explains PhD, anesthesiologist-resuscitator Maxim Shubin. – Immunity suffers and does not fully respond to the pathogen that has appeared, therefore, less time is required for clinical manifestations.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed with the therapist Valeria Trapeznikova whether it is possible to detect the virus in the body during the incubation period, whether this period is different when re-infected, and whether it is possible to vaccinate at this time.

Can coronavirus be detected during the incubation period?
The incubation period can last from 2 to 14 days after infection. At this time, a person can be contagious to others even in the absence of symptoms of the disease. Coronavirus can be diagnosed during this period by PCR.

Do PCR for the presence of coronavirus is necessary if you have symptoms or contact with the infected within the last 14 days.

Is the incubation period different after reinfection with the coronavirus?
No, the incubation period lasts from 2 to 14 days after infection. But the development of the disease may differ from the primary infection, everything will depend on the state of the body, the presence of chronic diseases and on the severity of the primary disease of coronavirus infection.
Can I be vaccinated against coronavirus during the incubation period?
No, it is not advisable to get vaccinated during this period. Vaccination is carried out no earlier than 2-4 weeks after recovery from any acute infections or during the period of remission of chronic pathologies.
  1. Bilichenko T. N. Epidemiology of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) // Academy of Medicine and Sports. 2020. №2. URL:
  2. Dutta, Sanchari Sinha. (2021, February 15). COVID-19 Incubation Period. News-Medical. Retrieved on June 24, 2021 from
  3. Are the new strains so scary? Answers to the most important questions about coronavirus mutations. StopCoronavirus.RF. https://stopcoronavirus.rf/news/20210527-0900.html
  4. Nikiforov V.V., Suranova T.G., Chernobrovkina Tatyana Yakovlevna, Yankovskaya Ya.D., Burova S.V. Novel coronavirus infection (Covid-19): clinical and epidemiological aspects // Archives of Internal Medicine. 2020. No. 2 (52). URL:

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