The in vitro method can be twice as effective

Mapping the genetic code of fertilized eggs can double the percentage of successful in vitro fertilization, according to Cell.

Infertility is a problem of about 15%. couples around the world. Many of them choose the in vitro method. It is based on the combination of a female egg and sperm in laboratory conditions, and then implanting the resulting embryo into the uterus.

To increase the chances of success in vitro, fertility clinics use a variety of embryo selection procedures to implant only those with the best prognosis. They often require the collection of cells from the growing embryo and may not capture all genetic problems.

According to scientists from the University of Beijing and Harvard University, thanks to a study that can detect healthy embryos, it will be possible to increase the percentage of in vitro fertilization leading to the birth of a healthy child to 60% or even more. Importantly, experiments with the use of this method in China also give hope to older women.

The new method, which has been tested on 70 fertilized eggs taken from female volunteers, analyzes so-called polar bodies – small cells formed during the development of an egg. They contain complete genetic information from the mother’s side, but play no role in the development of the embryo.

According to Jie Qiao of Beijing University, if the method works, IVF efficiency could increase from the current 30%. up to 60% and even more.

Such studies would be especially useful for older women and those who have failed previous attempts. But speaking to the BBC, Dr Yacoub Khalaf of Guy’s Hospital in London recommends caution. For if the methods of testing ova or embryos are not sufficiently reliable, they can lead to the loss of valuable ova, the resources of which are limited for each woman. (PAP)

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