The impossible is possible: a circular facelift without surgery

Radiofrequency facelift is a real alternative to circular facelift. At a certain age, every woman, even who regularly visits a beautician who undergoes all the necessary procedures for rejuvenation, still thinks about the need for a facelift.

The basis of our skin – collagen and elastin fibers stretch and lengthen with age, which causes the skin to become flabby and wrinkles appear. And under the influence of gravity, the muscles weaken, their elasticity decreases, due to which the oval of the face inevitably “creeps” down.

Previously, the only solution was a facelift surgery. But not everyone could decide on it. Firstly, in today’s busy pace of life, it is almost impossible to find time for an operation with hospitalization and rehabilitation. Secondly, it is simply scary: the need to go under the surgeon’s knife under general anesthesia is scary. And thirdly, an equally important factor is a change in facial features, which after the operation may be noticed by others and which you may simply not like.

The developers of the innovative BodyTite platform took into account these three main problems with traditional plastic surgery and opened a new procedure for the beauty industry – FaceTite RF facelift (done using a special attachment to the BodyTite device).

FaceTite – Radiofrequency Circular Face Lift with the effect of tightening the skin while maintaining its natural features.

Why try RF facelift?

The result is like a plastic surgery. Low invasiveness. Minimum recovery period. It is performed under local anesthesia. No scars or scars. Does not change facial features.

Areas commonly used for facelifting are the lower eyelid, cheeks, nasolabial folds, upper lip, jawline (lower part of the face oval) and forehead. FaceTite can be used on low-fat neck.

The main thing is that after the procedure there is no need for compression in the face area. Radiofrequency facelift is performed under adequate (local or combined) anesthesia, which makes the procedure as comfortable as possible. A hospital stay is not required. The rehabilitation period depends on the volume of the intervention and the initial condition of the skin. The recovery period is on average 10 days.

Total rejuvenation

And what procedure to choose for complete, “total” face rejuvenation, if several problems associated with age-related changes are troubling at once? How to do a lifting, correct the oval of the face and get rid of wrinkles at the same time, without resorting to plastic surgery? The answer to all these questions is the Total rejuvenation in the Telo’s Beauty clinic, which combines techniques Fraxel и FaceTite… Total rejuvenation is one of the most serious alternatives to a surgical facelift. At the first stage, FaceTite is used to correct the face contour, facelift and tighten the skin. The next step is skin rejuvenation with Fraxel re: pair or Fraxel re: store lasers.

To sign up for consultation on FaceTite and Fraxel procedures is available at the Telo’s Beauty clinic on Shabolovskaya: st. Donskaya, 32. Phones: +7 (495) 544-40-40 and +7 (495) 609-6-888.

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