The Importance of Touch

Extensive research at the University of Miami Research Institute has shown that human touch has powerful positive effects on a physical and emotional level in people of all ages. In experiments, touch has been shown to reduce pain, improve lung function, lower blood glucose levels, improve immune function, and promote growth in young children. Infants Newborns who are given gentle and caring touches gain mass faster and show better development of the psyche and motor skills. Touches on the back and legs tend to have a calming effect on babies. At the same time, touching the face, stomach and feet, on the contrary, excite. At a very early stage in life, touch is the fundamental basis of the relationship between parent and child. Social prejudices Teenagers and adults need touch just as much, but often face unspoken social norms. How often do we hesitate between a handshake and a hug when greeting a friend, colleague, or acquaintance? Perhaps the reason is that adults tend to equate touch with sexuality. To find a socially acceptable sweet spot, try touching your friend’s arm or shoulder while talking. This will allow you to establish tactile contact between both of you and make the atmosphere more trusting. From the point of view of physics University of Miami researchers found that light pressure touch stimulates the cranial nerve, which slows the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. All this causes a state in which a person is relaxed, but more attentive. In addition, touch enhances immune function and reduces the production of the stress hormone. Participating medical staff and students who received a 15-minute massage daily for a month showed greater focus and performance during the tests. Aggression There is some evidence that aggression and violence among children is associated with a lack of tactile interaction in the child. Two independent studies found that French children who received a lot of tactile touch from parents and peers were less aggressive than American children. The latter experienced less touch with their parents. They noticed the need to touch themselves, for example, twisting their hair around their fingers. Retirees Older people receive the least amount of tactile sensations than any other age group. However, many older people are more likely than others to accept touch and affection from children and grandchildren, and are also more willing to share it.

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