The importance of food controls

The importance of food controls

In the food industry, it is necessary to develop constant controls and analyzes of the different production processes.

The field of analytics is huge, and companies certified to carry out this type of test are a clear guarantor for the human being and therefore in the food chain.

It seems that everything begins in the field or on the farm, and that after many processes the food reaches our homes in perfect condition, with a simple care of the Cold chain or packaging thereof.

But along the way, many microorganisms they affect and actively participate in each of the processes, or they are simply suspended in the environment in which the food is handled, be it animal or vegetable.

Bacteria and fungi are normal in any living being, whether animal or plant, but not all add value to the food, in many cases they can cause the pathogen to settle in it, altering it, infecting it or decomposing it.

In this area, the action of the companies and laboratories that carry out controls and analytics on a daily basis necessary in each of the processes of the production chain and the food industry.

Microbiological tests, such as those carried out by Omega laboratories, through cultures to determine whether a food, a raw material or a liquid has pathogens or not.

Ensuring nutrition and health.

Each filtering bag main pathogens that can be manifested in the food consumed by animals and later transmitted to humans through processed food are staphylococci, coli, salmonella, molds and yeasts.

The amount of the same or load as it is known in the sector, the degree of pathogenicity and the amount of contaminated food is essential to be able to prepare reports of viability or not for its subsequent processing as food for the human species.

In this field also we highlight bromatology, highly studied in the different gastronomy training programs, which integrates toxicological analysis and chemical analysis as science.

This research reaches one of the fundamental elements of animal feed, irrigation of vegetables and liquids necessary for food processing, we refer to the controls and treatments of water, in the parameters of conductivity, pH, metals, you go out, etc …

In order to carry out effective work in this field, it is necessary to carry out tests between different laboratories and to update the calibration and verification of the measuring and surface cleaning equipment, as well as the environment.

Therefore, having a good control partner for processing within the production and supply chain of the food industry is a guarantee of quality, efficiency and, above all, health control.

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