Make perfect abs in 8 minutes a day — sounds fantastic, doesn’t it? Today we will tell you the truth whether it is a short program to create a flat stomach as effective as talk about them.
8 minutes abs: what is it?
The ideal press for 8 minutes (8 Min Abs Workout) — this short workout Passion4Profession from that work out the abdominal muscles: direct, oblique and transverse. You will strengthen upper and lower abs, make it solid and closer to the cherished dream of many: the six-pack abs. Exercise is interesting because it is not man, and robotic character. All exercises are performed on the Mat. Very convenient that you can see exactly which muscles you will be able to use during exercise.
8-minute session consists of 8 exercises, each of which lasts about 45 seconds (30 reps). After the two exercises, you should half-minute break. In the background is an oral account, so you will not end up with the desired rhythm. Jasminenude the press have 4 difficulty options. On a more complex level you should go only when you fully master the current level. You can make your own training schedule, and you can follow this option:
However, it is important to remember that doing ONLY the ideal press for 8 minutes to achieve a flat stomach is very difficult. Must combine work on the abdominal muscles with cardio training and proper nutrition. Since the notion of “proper nutrition” is quite wide, we recommend starting with the calorie counting. And Jillian Michaels you can pick up a quality cardio workout.
What you need to know about the effectiveness of womenintech for the press?
1. The ideal press for 8 minutes, truly effective only in combination with proper nutrition and regular aerobic exercise. Read more how to remove belly fat and pump up the press at home.
2. In all activities must be regularity. It makes no sense to download the press 1 time a week. Make it a rule to do it minimum 3-4 times a week, because it will take only 8 minutes. You can do this complex, in addition to any workout.
3. Carefully follow the technique of performing exercises. You don’t have to strain your neck muscles, otherwise they will bother you.
4. Perhaps the first time you will be difficult to cope with all exercises. It is absolutely normal, the muscles need to adapt. Don’t be afraid to simplify the exercise, if you can’t do the version presented on the video.
5. Don’t exercise on a full stomach. After a meal should take at least an hour.
6. Go to next level only when you are fully and easily cope with the first. Do not force the event. Someone should take two weeks to increase the level of difficulty, and someone of the month will not be enough.
7. Men purely genetically simpler than the girls, come to 6 pack. However, a flat stomach is quite real to achieve each.
8. Remember that programs such as 8 minutes abs do not help fight fat. They only work to strengthen the abdominal muscles. But if you don’t get rid of the fat layer of the abs you will not see.
How effective is the program “the Ideal press for 8 minutes” from Passion4Profession? Yes, but only in combination with sensible eating, aerobic load, and preferably in the training of the whole body. You cannot lose weight locally, but you can actively work on problem areas. However, to do this you only need comprehensive.
See also: Top 10 best short workout for belly.