The hostess is only on hand: why it is impossible to wash on Sundays

Some signs and traditions were invented as if to save our strength and nerves. Popular wisdom believes that a woman needs a break from household chores.

The whole week at work is like a squirrel in a wheel, Saturday is the day to sleep off, meet friends or do something else pleasant, and Sunday – here you can already do your home. The trolley is full of cases: wash the floors, wash, iron the linen. However, there is an opinion that it is impossible to wash on Sundays. Let’s try to figure out why.

Initially, the ban came from the Orthodox tradition. Sunday is a day that should be dedicated to God, prayers, caring for family and loved ones. But cleaning and hard physical labor are not included in the list of permitted cases. On the seventh day of the week, you are supposed to rest – period.

Once this prohibition was strictly observed. But modern life makes its own adjustments in traditions too. The priests say that the ban on washing is not a ban at all, but advice. If you fail to comply with it, it’s okay. But at the same time it is important not to forget about the main things to which this day should be devoted – helping loved ones. For example, it is better to help a sick relative or a lonely old woman in the neighborhood with household chores.

But there are also several separate Sundays on which the ban on washing is very strict. For example, Palm Sunday and other church holidays that fall on this day, such as Easter. In addition, laundry and cleaning are prohibited on Christmas Day, Annunciation and Ascension. People believed that working on major Orthodox holidays could bring illness, failure, and poverty on a family. And to wash on Sunday means to be condemned, to become the object of gossip and unpleasant rumors.

When you can’t wash it yet

  • Monday… Doing laundry and cleaning on this day means attracting money problems to yourself.

  • Friday… Signs say that cleaning on this day is fraught with many breakdowns of household appliances, everything will fall out of hand, the result will get out of hand, everything will have to be redone.

  • Morning… If you start the day with a wash, luck will drain out of the house along with the dirty water.

  • Evening. At night, an evil spirits wake up, to start washing and cleaning at this time is only to once again attract her attention.

So the best time to do your laundry is in the middle of the day before lunch.

Other things not to do on weekends

  • Sweep on Sundays – to illness and failure.

  • Are prohibited things to get dirty from – and the house, and clothes, and the person himself must be clean. So if you started repairs, painting and the like, then either do not get dirty, or put it off for another day.  

  • Lend money on Saturdays is the path to poverty.

  • To gossip – rumors will come back like a boomerang.

  • Mop the floor on sunday – so you can wash all the positive energy out of the house and invite evil spirits.

  • To do needlework – embroidery, knitting, sewing and other similar activities on this day will attract joint diseases, vision problems.

  • Cook – signs say that the food will turn out to be tasteless, and the hostess will definitely burn or cut herself. Moreover, food prepared on Sunday can be seriously ill.

  • Ironing – you can take up the iron if you need to iron no more than two or three things. Otherwise, you will seriously offend the brownie.

But it’s very unpleasant when the wash gets out of control. We’ve collected photos that prove that even cleaning can be a disaster.

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