Clinical Hospital Heliodora Święcicki in Poznań published the story of a patient who voluntarily decided not to vaccinate against COVID-19. Doctors are fighting for the 41-year-old’s recovery. They decided to provide details as a warning.
- The man refused to be treated with a respirator. Now it is attached to the ECMO in the intensive care unit in a hospital in Poznań
- Gazeta Wyborcza calculated that the cost of saving his life could be as high as one million zlotys
- Doctors emphasize that they are already frustrated with the situation in hospitals, where the vast majority of those seriously ill with COVID-19 are patients who did not want to be vaccinated
- You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page
Clinical Hospital Heliodora Święcicki in Poznań is one of the largest medical centers in the province. Greater Poland. The facility made the story of a 41-year-old struggling with COVID-19 infection public. Fasting is to make people realize that the pandemic is not over yet and how dramatic its effects can be.
A few days ago, the hospital posted a blurred photo of a patient on social media fighting for his life in the intensive care unit. The photo caption urged people not to advise against vaccinating people just because they are outside the risk group. It turned out that the doctors from the clinic in Poznań had been fighting for the life of the 41-year-old who had not been vaccinated voluntarily for a week.
The man felt that he did not need the vaccination because he was healthy and had no chronic diseases in the past. He thought the coronavirus would do him nothing. The 41-year-old fell ill a few weeks ago. Initially, he was placed in a temporary hospital at the Poznań International Fair.
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His condition deteriorated rapidly. Despite the damaged lungs, the man refused to be treated under a respirator. As a result, he arrived at the intensive care unit of the temporary hospital much too late. – The condition of the patient was so bad that after less than a day spent under a respirator, we had to transport him to the hospital at Przybyszewskiego Street and connect him to the ECMO – describes Michał Burszewski, an anesthesiologist in an interview with Gazeta Wyborcza.
The rest of the article under the video.
An unhooked man is fighting for his life
For 4 days, the anesthesia team has been fighting for the life of a 41-year-old unvaccinated patient suffering from COVID-19. It was transferred to us from the Temporary Hospital for the purpose of implementing and conducting ECMO therapy, i.e. extracorporeal blood oxygenation
– wrote the hospital on social media.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is sometimes called “last resort therapy”. It is a kind of prosthesis that replaces the work of the lungs and / or the heart. It is a technique of extracorporeal blood oxygenation and elimination of carbon dioxide from it.
The cost of COVID-19 treatment in an unvaccinated patient may reach one million zlotys
According to “Wyborcza”, the cost of connecting the patient to the apparatus alone amounts to PLN 50. zloty. The cost of monthly treatment with ECMO can reach up to one million zlotys. This is also the cost of treating a 41-year-old. Doctors say, however, that it is not about money.
Doctors emphasize that they are tired and frustrated with the situation in hospitals. They point out that they would rather treat patients with cancer and other chronic diseases than seriously ill patients infected with coronavirus who chose not to get vaccinated.
Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.
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