The hormone dopamine
Dopamine belongs to the so-called hormones of happiness or joy. It gives us a feeling of pleasure, and with its shortage, serious diseases can develop. Therefore, it is important to know how to increase it in the body.

Dopamine is produced by the body itself and its amount rises at the moment when we get pleasure – from sex, food or pleasant bodily sensations. And while waiting for pleasant moments and memories of them.

Dopamine, together with oxytocin, causes a feeling of love and affection for a partner, he is also responsible for maternal love.

The production of a large amount of dopamine is also provoked by stressful situations:

  • shock;
  • pain;
  • trauma;
  • burns;
  • blood loss;
  • anxiety;
  • fear.

Thus, it helps us deal with negative situations.

In addition, he is responsible for the work of memory and mental performance, helps in learning. Hormonal disturbances associated with dopamine can lead to mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Lack of this hormone also leads to depression, dementia, aggressiveness, impotence and restless legs syndrome.

In addition, low levels of dopamine can lead to binge eating, alcoholism, drug and nicotine addiction, and gambling.

How to increase the hormone dopamine in the body of a man and a woman

Dopamine levels in the body can be increased in fairly simple ways.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise increases dopamine levels. Do what you like: run, swim, exercise, or even just walk – this will add health and give you pleasure.

Have sex

Sex provokes the release of dopamine, so it should be regular. At worst, self-satisfaction is suitable – at the same time, the level of hormones of happiness also increases.

Listen to music

Studies have shown that when you listen to your favorite music, dopamine levels in the body increase significantly. On the way to or from work, turn on your favorite tracks on your phone and you are guaranteed a good mood.

Mark completed tasks

We all know what satisfaction comes from a job well done. But you can get even more fun if, for example, break a big deal into parts. Make a list of things to do and check off each completed item, and with each tick, your brain will release dopamine.

Avoid excessive use of stimulants

Alcohol, nicotine, sweets and caffeine are known to be satisfying. Yes, they provoke the release of dopamine, but this artificial stimulation stops working at some point – the usual doses do not give the desired effect, the hormone becomes less. And in order to enjoy, as before, we have to increase the dose of stimulants – we eat more, drink more often, smoke endlessly. What this leads to is known.

Get enough sleep

Adequate sleep also provokes the production of dopamine. And with constant lack of sleep, the level of hormones of happiness, including this one, decreases. That is why we cannot concentrate, we feel lethargic and irritable.

Popular questions and answers

We asked for answers to popular questions about dopamine pathophysiologist, immunologist, nutritionist Alena Paretskaya.

Where is the hormone dopamine produced?

Dopamine is partly produced by the brain itself, and also comes from the adrenal glands, resisting the influence of stress hormones. It is synthesized from the tyrosine molecule, an amino acid that comes from food. Dopamine is needed to transmit impulses from one nerve cell to another; it accumulates in the basal ganglia, subcortical structures and the substantia nigra, the striatum. Due to it, motor acts are controlled.

What foods contain the hormone dopamine?

The hormone itself is not contained in the products, but dishes containing enough tyrosine are important for its synthesis. Among the key ones:

• meat and fish dishes;

• seafood;

• green vegetables;

• legumes;

• avocado;

• bananas;

• nuts, especially almonds.

• dairy;

• oat groats.

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