The Horeca Congress that Improves Expectations

El Horeca Congress of Aecoc The week comes with an interesting program of presentations with the focus on a healthy lifestyle, transferred to the hotel industry.

This will be the 14th edition of the event of the Association of Manufacturers and Distributors, where fifty businessmen and professionals from all areas of the productive activity of food and hospitality will meet again to see, listen and hear the new trends that await us in the coming months.

This year’s appointment comes with the slogan of “Beyond expectations” and it is certain that the current situation of growth in the sector helps to collaborate in terms of the approaches and new scenarios that we face.

The meeting will be held in the city of Madrid on March 1 and 2, at the Campo de las Naciones Municipal Conference Center.

What can we see in this edition of the Aecoc Horeca congress?

For several years now, the topics on which the conference presentations are developed have a lot to do with new concepts in the hospitality industry, the result of changes in society, culture and consumer habits.

As was harangued two years ago, with the reconquest of the hospitality industry, now it seeks to add to this consolidation of growth with value adaptations for consumers, focusing the offer on healthy lifestyles.

Great solutions must give better expectations, to break the balance between what is perceived and what is experienced must always be positive, hence many of the cases and talks that we will see in it, highlighting:

  • Experiences above expectations, where the psychologist Charles Spence, will present us with a world where the senses play an essential role in reaching the much-demanded “User Experience”, through materials or colors, such as cutlery and their impact on taste, etc.
  • The role of Superfoods in daily life, the real relationship between eco and sport, all linked to the growing demand in the horeca channel of these, topics covered by Silvio Elias, Xavier Pellicer and Jordi Barri in the presentation of “healthy life style”.
  • The importance of experience in leisure activity and travel, in the presentation of the “Value of innovation in travel retail”, led by the CEO of Grupo Elior, Pedro Fontana.
  • The incredible potential that sustainable culture presents in the sector, in the field of Retail, where the founder of Eataly, Oscar Farinetti, such as patience, innovation and ingenuity, are essential to consolidate a responsible project such as the “Green Retail Park”. with the most lyrical presentation of the entire congress, “Make poetry of everything you do ”.

These are just a preview of the different presentations, discussion tables and colloquium talks that we can see in the 14th edition of the Horeca congress We leave the rest of the programming for the two days linked here on the Aecoc website

The kitchen also has its place in the Horeca Congress of Aecoc

A great opportunity to see the producers and entrepreneurs who are contributing with their concepts, ideas and strategies a special and different value to the consumers of the hospitality establishments.

Owners and entrepreneurs like Javier Bonet, Estanis Carenzo and Ramón Rodriguez, Mr. Bonet, Bestiario Group and Grupo Pantea respectively, will address the innovative themes of their teachings from the prism of differential growth in concepts of street food, foodtrucksEtc. …

And he could not miss the media action and its characteristic staging, of one of the Chefs that currently occupy more minutes inside celluloid, as is Alberto Chicote, and that have helped to spread and socialize among the general public, the enormous value that restoration represents, in terms of entrepreneurship, professionalism and above all the culture of effort.

Food, Supply chain, Quality, Manager, Tips, Distribution, Training, Gastronomy, Hospitality, Food innovation, food logistics, Trends

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