The hominid robot will help young dentists

A robot – a hominid was built in Japan, which will help novice dentists get used to the specifics of the future profession even before meeting a real patient for the first time.

The specialists of the company building robots Tmsuk Co. participated in the development of the third generation electronic trainer. and scientists from Sewa University who presented their new product in Tokyo.

Hanako Sewa, as the designers of the robot with the face of a young Japanese woman called it, can react to any malfunction of a future dentist. The trainer may scream or cough like a human, nodding his head when necessary to get attention. If people get tired of sitting in an armchair with their mouths open, the robot lets the trainee know that their patience has been exhausted. At such a point, as predicted by the program, Hanako Sewa will simply grit his teeth, as a patient in a dental office often does. (PAP)

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