The home-cooked food revolution
Feeding ourselves in our day to day is necessary and this is opening up new ways of doing it, through different operators in the gastronomy market.
We need to feed ourselves to live. Now in the XNUMXst century we have two clear options to do so, decide to eat well at home or do it outside the home in the multiple options that the hospitality industry offers us.
The youngest of the family in a high percentage of the population eat lunch and eat inside the school centers, mainly because in the family nobody is at home during the day and also if this were not the case, because it is important to be able to have time to do other “Domestic obligations” o “Labor”.
Eat out it is very common among adults in modern societies. The lifestyle generally marked by working hours means that one of the meals, generally the one at noon, is done outside of our home, in bars, cafes, or restaurants.
More than devotion, it is surely an obligation, in order to gain strength during the working hours of the afternoons during the week.
Likewise and if we go to the opposite side, eat at home It involves people, not only programming and planning what we have to eat, but also making a good supply of ingredients of all kinds, to later cook them.
This is time and every time it seems that we have less, which leads us to make purchasing decisions, such as prepared meals, resorting to fast food or fifth-range products that make that daily need easier.
Do we cook or eat without cooking ourselves?
Taking care of ourselves and the members of a family does not only go through safety and medicine, food is one of the main challenges of modern societies, especially in the field of child nutrition.
Stocking up with healthy ingredients, and later making it is more and more complex within large cities, so: The doubt is served!
On the one hand, if we like to cook, we have time and we do it, we have to take into account the previous step through the supermarket or already with the internet, make the purchase online, and thus make sure that we eat optimally, because what one prepares it is supposed to always be focused on maintaining healthy nutrition …
The other possibility is eat well, healthy and healthy without leaving home resorting to the different operators of home catering services that do not bring home the menu of the day, our favorite dishes from trendy restaurants or a selection of recipes from restaurants where the product and the preparation are their main value.
This was unthinkable a long time ago, except to go down to “take the plate directly“To the bar or restaurant under the house.
Now everything has changed technology, internet websites and apps, they are capable of transferring the demand of a customer to the restaurant in seconds, and this one will send it to your home, freshly made, in record time, maintaining optimal food conditions.
We are in the era of Technology and healthy Nutrition at a single click!