The Hippocratic Oath – what is its text and who takes it

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The Hippocratic Oath has been taken by doctors since ancient times. Its main message is “Primum non nocere”, which means “First, do no harm.” The Hippocratic Oath is a specific code of ethics adopted by the medical community.

History of the Hippocratic Oath

The Hippocratic Oath was made in antiquity. Its author is not the famous Greek physician Hippocrates, considered the “father of medicine”, but his students belonging to the Pythagorean union.

After World War II, a modern version of the Hippocratic Oath, known as the Geneva Declaration, was developed. The Geneva Declaration was adopted by the World Physicians Association in 1948 at the convention in Geneva, in response to the crimes committed in concentration camps by German doctors during the Second World War. The text of the oath adopted at the convention of the World Medical Association in Geneva was changed in 1968, 1983, 1994 and in 2005.

In Poland, people completing medicine and undertaking medical practice are bound by a Medical Pledge, which is part of the Code of Medical Ethics adopted by the National Congress of Doctors. The Medical Oath refers to the Geneva Declaration and the Hippocratic Oath.

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The content of the Hippocratic Oath

The original Hippocratic Oath said that the doctor undertakes to provide help without the need for payment and a written contract, and with his knowledge and skills he will try to help, never harm patients. The ancient Hippocratic Oath also said that the doctor undertook not to administer to anyone, even at his express request, a deadly poison or a remedy for miscarriage. The text of the Hippocratic Oath also obliged the doctor to keep medical secrecy.

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The Medical Promise applicable to graduates of the medical and medical and dental faculties of medical universities in Poland reads as follows:

I accept with respect and gratitude for my Masters the title of doctor granted me, and being fully aware of my duties, I promise:

  1. perform these duties conscientiously,
  2. serve human health and life,
  3. to the best of my knowledge, counteract suffering and prevent disease, and help the sick without any differences, such as race, religion, nationality, political views, property status and others, with the sole aim of their good and showing them due respect,
  4. not to abuse their trust and to keep medical secrets even after the patient’s death,
  5. guard the dignity of the medical condition and not stain it with anything, and treat fellow doctors with due kindness, not undermining their trust in them, but acting impartially and with the well-being of patients in mind,
  6. constantly expand my medical knowledge and make known to the medical world everything that I can invent and improve.

The Medical Oath is part of the Code of Medical Ethics and refers to the Hippocratic Oath and the Geneva Declaration adopted in 1948.

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