The higher the income, the more common depression is

Depression is not primarily a disease of people in low- or middle-income countries. The morbidity for this reason is higher, the higher the income in a given country – showed an international report published in the journal BMC Medicine.

At the request of the World Health Organization (WHO), the mental state of 20 was examined in 89 centers around the world. inhabitants of 18 countries (including the USA, the Netherlands, Japan, France, Israel, Italy and New Zealand, as well as in India, China, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa). Poland was not included in these studies.

They show that in the countries with the highest income (per apartment), 15% suffered from depression at some point in their lives. society. In low- and middle-income countries, 11% suffered from it. subjects.

The greatest number of cases was recorded in countries such as the USA, France, the Netherlands, where at least one so-called 30 percent had an episode of depression. people. The fewest cases of this disease were recorded in China. Depression affected only 12 percent there. society.

The report also found that women are twice as likely to be depressed than men.

Depression depends to a large extent on social conditions. A better understanding of its causes may reduce the incidence of this disease, says the lead author of the report, Prof. Evelyn Bromet from the State University of New York.

121 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Because of it, every year 850 thousand. he loses his life by committing suicide.

About the so-called Major depression is evidenced by the presence of at least five symptoms over a 2-week period, which is a significant change in the patient’s behavior. These include depressed mood or loss of interest, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, decreased concentration of attention, and lack of pleasure. (PAP)

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