The high anticyclone is approaching Poland. Beware of very high pressure!

This weekend, the so-called anticyclone. This is a high that will bring with it an almost record increase in atmospheric pressure. On March 19 and 20, we can expect a pressure of approx. 1050 hPa. It will have an impact on our well-being. “We have already made an appointment with my fellow cardiologists to collect observations on the frequency of cardiovascular events in Poland this weekend” – says prof. dr hab. med. Krzysztof J. Filipiak, internist, cardiologist, currently rector of the Medical University of Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie.

  1. Rapid pressure spikes can make everyone feel worse, but they are especially dangerous for people with cardiovascular problems
  2. The pressure may rise to 1051 hPa this weekend. At that time, it will be the highest barometer reading in the world
  3. The pressure to be recorded at the weekend will be close to the record already established in post-war Poland. Then the barometers showed 1054,4 hPa
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Anticyclone will bring about a large pressure surge. We can feel it strongly

Both too low and too high pressure can affect our well-being. Therefore, we must prepare for the difficult days to come. Regardless of the general health condition or the blood pressure monitor’s indications. In the case of the anticyclone, we will not only deal with almost record-high pressure, but also with a large jump. And this is a particularly unfavorable phenomenon in terms of health.

– The real so-called the anticyclone will affect Poland mainly on March 19-20, although it may drag on for a few days longer. We feel very high atmospheric pressure, even above 1050 hPa. We are already making an appointment with fellow cardiologists to collect observations on the frequency of cardiovascular events in Poland this weekend – emphasizes prof. dr hab. med. Krzysztof J. Filipiak, internist, cardiologist, currently rector of the Medical University of Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie. We have known for a long time that our circulatory system can be adversely affected by both high pressure values ​​and, above all, large pressure fluctuations. The latter are more felt, so we will feel bad especially after the weekend. It seems that changes in atmospheric pressure may contribute to incidents of plaque rupture, i.e. heart attacks and strokes. There may also be an increase in the frequency of attacks of arrhythmias – for example, atrial fibrillation, although such relationships have been described here for the sudden appearance of cool atmospheric fronts – adds the expert.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

For whom will the anticyclone be particularly dangerous? List of diseases that increase the risk

In the coming days, people with specific ailments and diseases should show particular care for their health. In their case, the cardiology specialist recommends not to overstrain the body this weekend.

—I would mention people with uncontrolled, ineffectively treated hypertension in the first group here. And there are more and more such people, after the COVID-19 pandemic, as a result of the “health debt” being generated in Poland (less medical visits, less treatment intensity, many unrecognized cases of hypertension, many cases of hypertension after COVID-19). I would also recommend a quiet weekend, saving lifestyle for all patients after a heart attack, stroke, with multiple diseases, especially when they previously experienced changes in atmospheric fronts or large pressure fluctuations – sums up Prof. dr hab. med. Krzysztof J. Filipiak, former president of the Polish Society of Hypertension.

Why do we react so strongly to atmospheric phenomena? Explains the endocrinologist

A strong sense of changing pressure and meteopathy are actually two sides of the same coin. Although for many people the physical perception of atmospheric phenomena seems superstitious, in practice it is not classified as a disease entity, but it actually occurs.

“Man is an element of nature, which we often forget,” says Dr. Sylwia Kuźniarz-Rymarz, an internist and endocrinologist from the Sublimed medical center in Krakow, in an interview with Medonet. – We have the impression that we function like machines, regardless of the phenomena occurring in them. And we are also subject to influences related to the aura, including precisely with high and low atmospheric pressure. It affects our blood pressure. It is no coincidence that some people choose a vacation by the sea, and others in the mountains. It’s just that some people feel better high and some feel low. So much so that they may experience specific ailments, such as a headache, when they are in the mountains. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with them at the seaside. Meteopathy itself is not an ICD10 medical entity. On the other hand, when we consider man as a broadly understood part of nature, we know that he is most susceptible to atmospheric influences – adds the expert.

Also read:

  1. Why do ambulances run before the storm? [WE EXPLAIN]
  2. What are Poles doing on L4? Note, this may result in discipline
  3. Changing the time is not indifferent to our health. How does it affect them?

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