The height of the sink in the bathroom: according to the standard, the choice of level, types of sinks, their sizes

Repair is always new and new tasks. Such a seemingly simple question is at what level to hang the sink. Or it can be confusing. No, really. What should be the height of the sink in the bathroom in order to use it comfortably. Of course, we are used to what we have. But maybe you can make it more convenient? Can.

Shell size and shape

In some way, the shape and size of the sink influences the height of its installation. So let’s start with these options. Wash basins can be divided into three categories: medium, large and small. Everything is simple. The “usual width” of the shell is 55-65 cm. Everything that is wider is large, everything that is narrower is small.

The sink is not always boring
Washbasin sizeLength, mmWidthDepth mmDistance to drain, mm
3600450150-180180 – 200 Feet
4650500 / 455 *150-180180 – 200 Feet
5700600150-250180 – 200 Feet

The table shows the most common sizes of bathroom sinks. Manufacturers and sellers divide washbasins into five classes according to size. Particularly successful models in design are available in several sizes, in several classes. By the way, the table is for reference. This does not mean that there are no shells of larger or smaller sizes, but they do not belong to the “basic” in any way.

The most popular forms and models of sinks are available in several sizes

A width dimension with an asterisk means that this depth is acceptable when installing the sink on a cabinet. For suspension, this option is not suitable due to low stability. The stops are too short. And for a nightstand, this is not a hindrance.

A few more words about the depth of the washbasin and the distance from the edge to the drain. Too small sinks are inconvenient, since even a small pressure of water is fraught with splashes around. So we take a minimum of 15 cm, and deeper – you are always welcome. The distance to the drain should also not be less than 15 cm. But the point is that it is easier to install a siphon this way. Otherwise, you will suffer, you will have to look for non-standard solutions, and this is always expensive.

The most compact washbasins

The narrowest of the “ordinary” sinks is only 40 cm wide. Its full size is 22 * ​​40 * 70 cm. There are other very compact options. The dimensions are about the same, they are just elongated not in length, but in width. The smallest ones are rectangular in shape and have a laconic design. There are also small round sinks with a diameter of only about 20 cm. But they are more difficult to install – some kind of countertop is required. And rectangular ones can be installed on ordinary brackets or pins.

And small sinks are installed very non-standard. In any case, you don’t expect to see a sink near the door on a wall or behind a cabinet with a width of only 42-45 cm. Even less expect to see a sink in place of the tank. This is possible if the installation for the wall-mounted toilet bowl is low or the cistern is simply closed with a false wall.

Overhead: rectangular, oval and round

Today there are not only sinks of traditional forms. There are also overhead or desktop. They look more unusual, are easier to install, and in terms of comfort they are not inferior to traditional ones. In form, they are perhaps the most diverse. There are rectangular, square, round, oval, in the form of bowls and hemispheres.

The shapes and sizes of overhead sinks are also very different.
Shape of overhead bathroom sinksLength cmWidth, seeDepth cm

About their sizes it is worth talking separately. This, in fact, is not a solid standard and they are placed only on the countertop. When choosing the height of the countertop under the countertop sink in the bathroom, take into account the depth of the bowl. After all, its edges will rise. So the highest point in this case should be considered the edges. And calculate the installation level of the countertop, not the washbasin.

And don’t forget about the price. In this category, most of the expensive items. This is not mass production, but very small batches. But it is unique and unique.

Corner washbasins

Time passes and our habits change. Today, it no longer seems superfluous to have a washbasin in the toilet. It is perceived rather as a necessity. But most of the apartments in the old housing stock cannot please with the dimensions of the toilets. And you have to look for non-standard options. One of these is a corner washbasin. They are compact and use the area that is very difficult to “settle in”.

The sizes of corner bathroom sinks vary widely. But it is difficult to describe their dimensions – the shape is very non-standard. This is not a triangle, since the size along the walls is usually smaller – the bowl sticks out. And it sticks out to a greater or lesser extent. And there are those that are attached in the corner, but have the shape of a rectangle. In general, it’s not easy.

Schemes and dimensions of several corner washbasins for the bathroom and toilet

Let’s agree that we will talk about the dimensions of the corner washbasins along the length of the sides adjacent to the walls. The depth of the bowl is also important. The rest is difficult to describe – you have to look at the photo and the diagram. In general, here is a run-up of the sizes of corner sinks:

  • Side length 310-650 mm
  • Depth 12,5-16 mm

Most of the corner porcelain or earthenware washbasins are small in size. After all, this option is either in the mini-bathroom or in the toilet. And space is limited here.

The shape and size of the corner washbasins are also different.

So most of the walls take about 38-45 cm. And more often they have an irregular shape. In the sense that on one wall the length is less, on the other it is longer. Much less symmetrical. Well, everything is clear here. These are options for the right or left corner. After all, in one of them often passes the riser.

Could be so

But there are not only small corner washstands. There are rather big ones, the size of the walls is 60-65 cm by 45-55 cm. They can be mounted above the bathroom. Not to say that it is very convenient, but better than washing over the bath.

Bathroom sink height

In addition to choosing the size, you will also have to decide at what height to install the washbasin. According to the recommendations of SNiP, the installation height of the washstand is 75-85 cm from the floor. But these standards were written more than twenty years ago. They are calculated under the average height. It’s no secret that the previous generation was lower. And significantly lower, according to statistics.

Growth has become higher, but the installation height of the washbasin has not changed

So the recommended parameters have become too inconvenient. If washing hands is still convenient, then you have to bend too low to wash. In narrow rooms, tall people have to demonstrate almost acrobatic stunts.

How to choose the height of the sink

If state institutions are obliged to comply with the regulations, then in private houses and apartments you can choose the height of the sink that is convenient. How is it defined? The upper edge of the washbasin should be approximately 10-15 cm below the elbow of a standing person.

Bathroom sink height If you follow the recommendations of SNiP on the installation height of the washbasin, you will have to bend low

If the inhabitants of a house or apartment do not differ much in height, everything is clear. Even easier if only one person lives. In such cases, the height of the sink in the bathroom is determined simply. But what if the difference in height is large? We must look for a compromise. You can either choose the “average” value, or navigate by the majority. It should also be said that children and adolescents in the active phase of growth are not taken into account. They are growing fast, and bathroom renovations are clearly done more than once a year. To make it convenient to use, they make a bench-ladder.

With a large difference in height, you can install two sinks at different levels

But the elders of short stature cannot be driven up the stairs. Of course, it depends on the person, but some are not annoyed that they have to raise their hands to wash or wash them. It is more important for them not to bend over. This is really the problem. If an agreement cannot be reached, if possible, two sinks are made. This, by the way, is also a solution to the problem if several people are going to work at the same time, and there is only one bathroom.

When not to choose

Pedestal or tulip sinks and a washbasin cabinet will not allow you to choose the height of the washbasin. What height is the cabinet or pedestal, the washbasin will be located on that one. There are still at least some options with the curbstone. If the legs are adjustable, you can add a couple of centimeters. You can, of course, replace the legs with higher ones. But this is also only a few centimeters. True, they may also be enough to make it more convenient to wash.

Cabinets under the washbasin in the bathroom are not only on legs, but also hinged

There are, however, hanging cabinets for washbasins in the bathroom. They are fixed at an arbitrary height. So in this case, you can also raise or lower the level as you wish.

The pedestal will not allow you to choose the installation height

With tulip-type washbasins, there is no possibility at all to change the height. What height is the “leg”, so it will be. But it is possible to choose the height of this “leg”. True, our assortment is not so wide, but almost everything can be “made to order”. Yes, and you can order via the Internet and not only on domestic sites. You will be surprised (or not), but often buying in Europe and paying for shipping is cheaper than in a store.

Installation Methods

There are several ways to install a bathroom sink.

  • Hang on the wall.
    • On embedded pins in the wall. Hanging sinks have holes for pins at the back. This is how they differ from overheads.
      The height of the sink in the bathroom: according to the standard, the choice of level, types of sinks, their sizes
      Installation options for wall-hung sinks: on pins, pipe construction or on brackets
    • By assembling or buying a special design, which is also attached to the wall.
    • On brackets.
  • Make a countertop and install a washbasin in it. There are two options:
    • Built-in washstand. This is when the edge of the sink coincides in height with the countertop. Looks good, but implementation is difficult.
    • Surface mounting. A small hole is made in the countertop to install the sink, but smaller than the size of the sink. It turns out that the sink just lies on top. The height of the overhead sink may not be too large.
  • Install on the cabinet under the sink – moidodyr.
    The height of the sink in the bathroom: according to the standard, the choice of level, types of sinks, their sizes
    Modern options for installing wall-mounted sinks in the bathroom. The installation height of the sink here depends on the height at which you fix the structure.

The first two methods provide that you can / need to independently choose at what level to install the sink. After all, for mounting brackets and pins, the height of the sink is selected according to your desire. But not all walls can withstand such a load. Yes, and installation in a ready-made locker is much easier. Nothing needs to be drilled or fastened. We just installed a sink of a suitable shape, connected the water and sewerage, and that’s it. But there is no way to significantly change the height of the sink.

Is it possible to transfer and what is needed for this

The washbasin can be moved within the bathroom without any restrictions. You can be limited only by laid communications – water supply and sewerage. Changing the installation height of the washbasin is generally up to you. Well, maybe more builders who will do the work. It will only be necessary to observe the minimum distances to the walls, bathroom, etc. But this is just for convenience. In your home, in this regard, you have the right to violate the recommendations of SNiP.

The height of the sink in the bathroom: according to the standard, the choice of level, types of sinks, their sizes
The distance between the sink and other equipment in the bathroom

No need to notify anyone about the installation of a new sink if it is placed in “wet” areas. These include all types of bathrooms. That is, if you decide to install a washbasin in the toilet, and before it was not there, you just need to make new connection points to the sewer and water supply. Well, and install and connect the washbasin.

Beautiful and original washbasins

These photos are for inspiration. Sometimes you don’t know where you will find “your” idea. We spied on some interesting options in different styles.

The height of the sink in the bathroom: according to the standard, the choice of level, types of sinks, their sizes
Ceramics is a very interesting idea. It’s about color and glaze
The height of the sink in the bathroom: according to the standard, the choice of level, types of sinks, their sizes
Strange shapes, modern design
The height of the sink in the bathroom: according to the standard, the choice of level, types of sinks, their sizes
The unusual shape and material is not easy, and the wall decoration is simply amazing
The height of the sink in the bathroom: according to the standard, the choice of level, types of sinks, their sizes
Oriental motifs
The height of the sink in the bathroom: according to the standard, the choice of level, types of sinks, their sizes
Creativity some do not hold
The height of the sink in the bathroom: according to the standard, the choice of level, types of sinks, their sizes
Glass, but the color and shape add zest. Yes, and the crane is not easy
The height of the sink in the bathroom: according to the standard, the choice of level, types of sinks, their sizes
This sink is for the ladies bathroom

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