The heaviest man in the world fights for his health

The Mexican Huan Pedro Franko until recently weighed 595 kilograms and was considered the heaviest man in the world. However, he decided to fight for his health and life.

Huan Pedro Franko had a tendency to gain weight since he was a child. The problem worsened after a knee injury. A few weeks of lying turned into seven years. Unhealthy diet and the absolute lack of exercise meant that the 33-year-old gained a record body weight – 595 kg. The huge overweight did not allow him to change position or move on his own.

This spring, the man went on a diet, thanks to which he lost 175 kilograms. Losing weight meant Franco would be able to undergo gastric reduction surgery and keep fighting for his health.

Although Franko is feeling much better now, he can roll over on his own, and tries to stand on his own, doctors recommend caution. Although a man weighs “only” 300 kg, he must be patient, because the road to normality and reaching the ideal weight, according to doctors, that is 120 kg, is still long.

In an interview with journalists, Huan admits that he really wants to regain his health and start living life to the fullest. He believes that he will be able to overcome the disease and will be able to devote himself fully to his passion, which is music.

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