The healthy pleasure of eating salad

Spring helps to change habits, and one of them is the nutritional one with the arrival of fresh seasonal products.

We are in the middle of spring and Salad is the queen of the table.

The heat and especially the possibility of finding products that facilitate the preparation of these dishes, make it mandatory not only to prepare them at home, but also to order them in hospitality establishments.

Increasingly bars and restaurants, join this trend and within their menus, green, simple or sophisticated dishes take on a special relevance.

The XNUMXst century has made it much easier for us to make different salad compositions almost daily, almost without changing the main ingredients, helping us in the daily purchase as well as reducing waste….

Who has not spoiled a lettuce in the fridge because it has been left on for several days?

For all this, the brands and manufacturers of fourth and fifth range vegetables Like Florette, they have developed innovative creations and mixtures of the green element, which in bag formats or individual trays, help to use only what is necessary for each dish or menu.

At the last Gourmets Fair in Madrid, many novelties were presented and the multinational Gala did not want to miss the occasion, showing its new fourth range catalog for Foodservice.

Gastro trays 400 grams in double packaging per box of Arugula, Canon or Spinach Sprout, was one of its main novelties, which together with the First Buds Great Selection and Supreme Mix, complete a selection of lettuces and other vegetables that help the daily life of each cook.

To finish the dishes, the classic oil and vinegar dressing is still used, but the homogeneity of the product makes the establishments seek to differentiate themselves from their competition by providing new toppings and sauces that give a color and in turn a novelty in the recipe.

Products such as Hellman’s creamy sauces They are a clear example of how to turn a simple green salad into an exquisite Caesar salad or warm salad of spinach, bacon with mustard and honey or a nutritious and healthy chicken salad with prawns to the thousand islands …

Acquiring these products every day is easier, and not only the retail offers in its shelves the wide range of accessories for salads, The Hotel Mirror, through its HORECA Online Store, offers us the possibility of acquiring them in their 1 liter format, being able to make a selection of the one that best suits our menu.

If what we want is simply to add flavor to the final point of the vinegar, but we do not want the green aspect of our culinary creation to be blurred by a sauce, what we have at our fingertips and of a rabid culinary news are the balsamic vinegar finishes.

Thick reductions that maintain body and flavor in a reduced space of individual 300cl jars, which will help us, apart from seasoning, to give professional look y decor to our dishes, without forgetting its special flavors such as those served by the firm Borges from finishes to a single Balsamic of Modena, to the sophisticated of Apple, Raspberry or Mango.

Its acquisition is also as simple as the previous sauces and the professional eCommerce of Food and beverages of Ehosa offers these innovative and excellent allies of any famous within its category of oils and vinegars. Fodiee or Professional Cook.

We no longer have excuses to elaborate an endless number of salads with few ingredients, but widely combinable and above all with agility, little time and cost contained and homogeneous.

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