The health benefits of citrus fruits

Orange is the 4st the most cultivated fruit in the world, and often one of the most popular in winter. It is rich in vitamin C (53 mg per 100 g is almost the recommended daily allowance) and it is ideal for fighting fatigue and cold. It promotes the elimination of toxins linked to Pollution and smoking and it helps fight against the harmful action of free radicals that promote skin aging.
Composed of more than 85% water, orange has a moderate energy intake (45 kcal / 100 g). It is also an important source of calcium, and hesperidin, a complex substance that would increase the level of good cholesterol (HDL) and decrease the level of bad cholesterol (LDL).
Whole or pressed, the orange provides a lot of fibers which facilitate the intestinal transit. Be careful, however: orange juice sold in stores is most of the time made from concentrate. The nutritional properties of the fruit are then almost zero. Rather prefer orange juice pure juice. Finally, orange provides 6 times more antioxidants than vitamin C. This vitamin would play a role in the prevention of certain types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and inflammatory diseases.
The many advantages of orange make it an important ally in maintaining good health, which is why it is advisable to consume it regularly.