The health balance of the 40-year-old

Around the age of 40, the metabolism of both women and men decreases. Then the risk of many diseases increases. Therefore, when reaching this age, in addition to a proud birthday, it is also worth treating yourself to a healthy balance. We suggest what exactly should be examined then.

Health of forty-year-olds

Taking into account the current average life expectancy of Poles, it can be said that a person approaching forty is at about the halfway point in his life. But that’s just a statistic. In practice, this is how long each will live. depends on many different factors, some of which are completely independent of us (e.g. genes), while others we have a large influence on (e.g. diet, physical activity).

  1. Biological age test. Check how old you really are

– Around the age of 40, most people begin to slow down various metabolic processes and overall metabolism. This metabolic breakthrough may begin a few years before the age of 40 or a few years after the age of 40, depending on the health base of a particular person, because everyone is different. The condition of this database depends on about 20 percent. from our genes, in about 20 percent. from environmental factors, in 10 percent on the quality of health care, but the most, as much as 50 percent. on lifestyle – says Dr. Michał Sutkowski, family doctor.

Unfortunately, changes in metabolism occurring around the age of 40 have many serious consequences.

The rest of the article under the video.

What starts to go wrong after XNUMX?

– The slowdown in metabolism contributes to the development of various types of degenerative processes. In the case of the cardiovascular system, these will be atherosclerotic processes, and for the osteoarticular system, various degenerative processes in the cartilage, extra-articular rheumatism or bone rheumatism. These processes also negatively affect the condition of other organs of the body. For example, high-degree atherosclerotic lesions can damage the kidneys, etc. – warns Dr. Michał Sutkowski.

The expert emphasizes that health at this age depends to a large extent on the lifestyle of a given person, not only present, but also past.

– For example, if you have been smoking for 20 years and are still smoking, by the age of 40 you often already have COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). When someone has been abusing alcohol for 20 years and continues to abuse alcohol, it can be expected that he or she already has at least a high alcoholic fatty liver, if not a cirrhotic liver – says Dr. Michał Sutkowski.

What other serious diseases can develop at the age of 40? The expert points out that in the Polish population a major threat at this age is primarily: coronary atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, as well as oncological diseases (especially the risk of lung and colon cancer is increasing). Unfortunately, epidemiological data show that the age of cancer patients is gradually decreasing. After the age of 40, symptoms of poorer digestion (e.g. greater tendency to constipation, inflammatory bowel diseases) slowly begin to manifest.

The expert emphasizes that hereditary diseases, such as genetically dependent cancers, constitute a separate group of threats.

– If someone has familial polyposis syndrome in the large intestine, then by the age of 40 they probably already have cancer. If such a person does not regularly check their health condition, does not perform colonoscopy, it is at great risk – warns Dr. Michał Sutkowski.

The Balance of the XNUMX-Year-Old: Where to Begin

Doctors make it clear: everyone on their 40th birthday should treat themselves to the health balance of a forty-year-old! But what exactly does that mean?

– When someone comes to me for such a purpose, I obviously start this balance with a detailed medical interview. This is a key issue. During the interview, I ask the patient about many different things, not only about his health and lifestyle, but also about his immediate family members (mainly parents and siblings). I ask about all ailments from head to toe, especially about possible heart pains (so-called stenocardial), headaches, I ask about previous illnesses. It all matters – explains Dr. Michał Sutkowski.

The expert emphasizes that on the occasion of such a balance, it turns out that the patient has not been to the doctor for 20 years, and made the last balance at the age of 18. It is worth knowing in this context that the last compulsory health check is carried out in Poland at the age of 18.

– Once I’m interviewed, then I have to thoroughly examine the patient, again from head to toe. I have to look at his skin, teeth, measure his blood pressure, listen to his heart, lungs, examine his abdominal cavity and examine his rectum. It is not pleasant, but necessary, especially when there are any doubts about possible prostatic hyperplasia, but also haemorrhoids or pathological processes related to the large intestine – continues Dr. Michał Sutkowski.

But this is not the end. During such a balance, anthropometric tests must also be carried out: measure weight, height and waist circumference. On this basis, it is already possible to determine some parameters of the metabolic processes of a given organism, as well as to recognize overweight and obesity, if any.

During the balance sheet of the 40-year-old, you also need to have your hearing and eyesight checked (eyesight should be checked every 1-2 years, hearing every 5 years). In addition, blood pressure should be checked and this test repeated every six months, if there are no more serious complaints.

– Such a comprehensive and thorough examination of the patient takes a long time, so it is good to divide it into several visits, during which various additional tests are ordered. It cannot be done in 15 minutes – adds Dr. Michał Sutkowski.

Test yourself now! The screening package for women and the screening package for men are available from Medonet Market.

The Balance of the Forty-Year-Old: Additional Research

On the occasion of such a balance, doctors usually order a smaller or larger package of basic additional tests, including: ECG, morphology, ESR, fasting glucose level, lipid profile and urinalysis.

– It is also worth having a faecal occult blood test and a skin test that is often forgotten. Skin tests should be performed every 1-2 years, especially in risk groups, i.e. in people with family skin cancers, type 1 or 2 skin (blondes and redheads) or in people with disturbing skin lesions (it is advisable to use a videodermatoscope ) – says Dr. Michał Sutkowski.

But this is not the end. The expert also recommends preparing a 40-year-old patient for the first colonoscopy, as well as ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and transcrectal ultrasound (for prostatic hypertrophy – in men). In the case of smokers, a chest X-ray is also necessary once every 1-2 years.

– In the case of 40-year-old women, in addition to the aforementioned standard examinations, a complete set of gynecological examinations (cytology, breast ultrasound) should also be performed, and perhaps also the first mammography, which must be repeated every 2-3 years from now on – says Dr. Michał Sutkowski .

The expert reminds that on the occasion of the balance sheet, it would also be advisable to refer the patient for a thorough dental and ophthalmological examination (especially when there are some abnormalities, and usually around 40 many people have to put on reading glasses).

It is worth adding that all of the above-mentioned studies can be carried out under the National Health Fund.

For some patients, however, the list of additional tests may be much longer.

– The doctor decides what additional examination should be performed in a given person, on the basis of a previous subjective (interview) and physical examination (physical examination) – emphasizes Dr. Michał Sutkowski.

What is the risk of neglecting control tests?

Unfortunately, the facts are that adult Poles do not care enough about their health.

– I would estimate the percentage of people in the population who make such a balance under the National Health Fund at 1-2 percent. In addition, in private, networked medical facilities, as part of available commercial research packages or as part of occupational medicine, the balance goes through an additional 5-7 percent. In total, in the scale of the entire population, it may therefore be 8-10 percent. Only that – estimates Dr. Michał Sutkowski.

The expert warns that neglecting a health check and postponing healthy lifestyle changes may result in many diseases related to middle age, including development of arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease (with consequences such as a heart attack or stroke), and cancer (especially of the lungs, prostate and colon).

The expert emphasizes that as a result of neglect and unhealthy lifestyle, many people in Poland die prematurely, at a young age.

According to him, a quite large group consists of people who test themselves, but then quit, i.e. they either do not return to the doctor with their test results or do not receive the results at all. It is estimated that even 15-20 percent. results of laboratory tests in Poland are not received by patients in the time period relevant to their order.

– There is also a large group of people who believe that everything can be found and demonstrated in additional research. This lulls their vigilance. Someone may have generally good test results, but if, for example, he smokes, he or she may die suddenly and unexpectedly. The first sharp pain in a person’s chest could be a massive, fatal heart attack. Additional studies do not show everything – warns Dr. Michał Sutkowski.

The expert emphasizes that cholesterol accumulates in the coronary artery throughout life and gradually narrows it. Normal blood tests do not show this process, but only specialized cardiological tests (e.g. stress test or coronary angiography).

A healthy lifestyle: what to change in your forties

As you can easily guess, doctors recommend that as part of prophylaxis, at the age of 40, you should especially take care of changing your eating habits and physical activity.

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