The healing properties of Momordica

Some thirty years ago, grandparents on their plantations only grew cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, onions and root vegetables. The table was limited only by this. But today, both on the table and in the garden, frank exotics are not rare guests.

The healing properties of Momordica

“Crazy cucumber”, “Indian pomegranate” or momordica – this plant looks like a graceful beautiful liana of juicy green color with bright orange oval fruits. They are edible and resemble the taste of pumpkin, albeit with a touch of bitterness. But the most delicious thing is inside this berry.

The seeds are completely covered with dark red juicy pericarp, which looks like a ripe persimmon

You can eat momordica not only fresh. In cooking, its use is very diverse. True, the Russians are just beginning to learn the qualities of the southern guest. Momordica can be fried and marinated, boiled, added to various dishes, used as a side dish, a component of a salad or soup, and can be used as a spice that gives a dish a pleasant, tart aroma.

By itself, the Indian cucumber is bitter, in order to remove the bitterness of the fruit, they are pre-boiled in salt water, but it is important not to forget that many of the healing qualities of Momordica will also disappear. Often housewives limit themselves to scalding the fruit, and compensate for the taste of bitterness with tomatoes.

In addition to the aesthetic pleasure from the appearance of this amazing liana or the gustatory pleasure obtained from the dishes made from it, many medicinal properties are known.

The use of Momordica can cause an abortion, in no case should pregnant women eat it.

Momordica is a low-calorie berry (only 19 kcal), it contains a lot of proteins, calcium, phosphorus and various vitamins, the effect of which is a surge of vivacity, strength, and the suspension of aging processes. But that’s not all. Scientists have found that eating Momordica fruit can reduce blood sugar and the amount of “bad” cholesterol, and helps in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections. Again, medications from the leaves and fruits are effective in the fight against staphylococcus and HIV. It also helps with stomach ulcers, cardiovascular diseases.

The range of medicinal properties of this plant is great, but still, when using it, you need to know when to stop, and it is better to consult a specialist, especially if you have chronic diseases or acute phases of viral infections.

It is just beginning to appear in the markets, but it is possible to grow momordica even on a balcony, even in a greenhouse and even in open ground. It is only important to provide vines with good lighting and support, abundant drinking and high soil fertility.

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