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Kvass not only perfectly quenches thirst in the heat, but also benefits our body in the cold. Especially if it is a new kvass with ginger or dill from Pivovar!
Kvass has always been considered a healing drink in Russia. Due to the presence of about 2000 useful substances and minerals in live kvass, kvass is an excellent fighter with vitamin deficiency and helps to maintain immunity in the cold season. And kvass with ginger or dill from the company
Stalingradsky kvass with ginger
Stalingradsky kvass with ginger – improves blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, increases immunity. Promotes weight loss, is an aphrodisiac. Ginger has long been known as a surprisingly healthy food. It normalizes digestion, has a warming effect, and cleanses the circulatory system. Kvass helps to reveal all the healing power of ginger.
When is ginger kvass useful?
With colds
The anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties of ginger are effective in treating colds. Ginger copes well with viruses, relieves the course of bronchitis. And in combination with kvass, it enriches the microflora, which helps to strengthen the immune system.
When losing weight
Ginger kvass cleanses the intestines, removes toxins and lowers blood cholesterol levels. And the property of ginger to reduce appetite and the rich microflora of kvass makes Stalingradsky kvass with ginger an indispensable part of a slimming diet. For women, ginger kvass will also help with its antispasmodic properties – it reduces painful symptoms during menstruation.
For men’s health
Translated from Chinese, the word “ginger” has two meanings: “universal medicine” and “masculinity.” Ginger kvass improves blood circulation, improves potency and triggers muscle growth processes, and also stabilizes mental activity.
Stalingradsky kvass with dill
Stalingradsky kvass with dill – quenches thirst and adds strength. Kvass on sprouted grain is a unique source of essential amino acids, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, vitamins of group B, C and A.
When is dill kvass useful?
For digestive disorders
Dill kvass is recommended for increased gas production, constipation and colic. Such kvass increases the secretion of gastric juice, perfectly suppresses putrefactive processes in the intestines and cleanses the liver.
At high pressure
Dill dilates blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in pressure. The composition of dill kvass improves the condition of blood vessels, makes them elastic.