The head physician of the Filatov hospital showed an overcrowded intensive care unit

The head physician of the Filatov hospital showed an overcrowded intensive care unit

The head physician of the Filatovskaya hospital recorded a video from the intensive care unit and said that the number of young patients in serious condition is growing very quickly.

 16 582 169April 23 2020

The head physician of the Filatov hospital showed an overcrowded intensive care unit

On April 23, the operational headquarters for the control and monitoring of the situation with the coronavirus posted on Instagram a video filmed by the chief physician of the Filatov City Clinical Hospital No. 15. Valery Vechorko showed without embellishment what is happening now in the intensive care unit. And this picture is really amazing. All the beds are occupied, and next to them are doctors in full protective clothing.

“Recently, there are a lot of young patients in the intensive care unit in critical condition who need mechanical ventilation. The intensive care units are working in a busy mode, ”Valeriy Vechorko is quoted as saying by the Operations Staff.

“Now we see in intensive care not only 40-year-olds, but also 30-year-olds! I ask everyone to take seriously the infection that has taken over the city, ”the doctor said on his Facebook.

According to Valery Vechorko, there are more and more patients in serious condition at the age of about forty every day. “There is only one way to avoid this situation: you are in self-isolation mode, and in case of any symptoms, immediately consult a doctor. Stop unnecessary contacts. Then it will be possible to avoid both a serious condition and getting into intensive care. Then you will save your life and the life of your loved ones, ”concluded the doctor.

We remind you that as of April 23, 62 cases of coronavirus were registered in Russia. A total of 773 people have died from COVID-19.

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Getty Images, Persona Stars, @covid2019_official/Instagram

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