The head of Pfizer announces the end of the pandemic. Maybe right? The expert explains
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“The coronavirus will circulate for many years to come, but the wave related to the Omikron variant should be the last one that is associated with numerous limitations” – these are the words of the head of the Pfizer concern. Does this mean that we will actually soon leave the pandemic behind us? We ask the drug about it. Bartosz Fiałek.

  1. The fifth wave of the epidemic in Poland is becoming a fact, according to the words of the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski
  2. The highly infectious variant of Omikron will be responsible for the new spike in infections
  3. According to the head of Pfizer, the fifth wave should be the last one. This does not mean that the virus will go away. The situation will simply calm down enough that the restrictions are no longer necessary. According to the popularizer of science, Dr. Bartosz Fiałek, however, is pure speculation
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

An optimistic prediction from the head of Pfizer. Doctor: The virus will evolve

The words of the head of Pfizer aroused great interest among readers of TvoiLokony – read HERE. And no wonder, because on their basis it can be concluded that we are ahead of the “last straight”, for which we will return to the world as we know it. Without restrictions, lockdowns and disturbing statements of experts who predict large numbers of deaths or, like Minister Niedzielski, “Armageddon”. The problem is that from a scientific point of view, Albert Bourla’s words are only one possible scenario.

– I have no idea why the head of Pfizer presented his vision of the future in this way – says the drug. Bartosz Fiałek in an interview with Medonet. – We are currently dealing with the Omikron variant, which, due to its ultra-infectious nature, will certainly infect many people. First of all, the unvaccinated or not fully immune, i.e. those who have been vaccinated for a long time or those who have contracted COVID-19 but have not been vaccinated. However, it will also break down the immune response of those who are fully vaccinated and even those following the booster. To a lesser extent, but still. This means that a lot of people will come into contact with the Omikron variant, which will cause them COVID-19. Looking at how the previous waves were going, after a few weeks we will see a decrease in the number of infections and most likely the so-called epidemic calm. Probably for several months there will be no such situation as now, when all the time a large number of COVID-19 cases translates into a high number of hospitalizations and deaths due to the disease. However, no one can predict what will happen after these few months – he emphasizes.

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Predicting how a pandemic will turn out is impossible for one simple reason: the virus is evolving and will continue to do so after the wave from the Omikron variant has ended.

– Of course, it can be assumed that due to the increasing number of vaccinated people and those whose immunity will be naturally generated by COVID-19 caused by the Omikron variant, the next wave will not be as strong. That it would not cause so many hospitalizations or deaths. However, we do not know this. After the wave caused by the Omikron variant, the virus will continue to evolve. And it is possible that the pathogen’s variability will not lead to the creation of the “Omega” variant responsible for the next epidemic wave – says Fiałek.

The rest of the text is below the video.

How will the pandemic go? Fiałek: We have two scenarios

According to drug. Bartosz Fiałek, the pandemic may develop in two different ways. There is an optimistic or a pessimistic variant at stake. Both are likely.

– We have two scenarios. We may face an epidemic, with ups and downs, or an endemic one, with a relatively constant number of cases. The second version seems less likely, given the wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections that occur when the virus hits a less resistant population. However, as I mentioned, it is impossible to clearly predict which of these scenarios will come true. The head of Pfizer may be right. Perhaps the Omikron variant will infect so many people that, in combination with the growing number of people vaccinated, it will be possible to build a high “immune wall” in society. And then even a large number of infections will not translate into huge numbers of hospitalizations and deaths. However, it may also turn out that the head of Pfizer will be wrong and after a few months of relative peace, another pandemic wave will appear. Nobody in the world can predict this. This is pure speculation – adds Bartosz Fiałek.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Also read:

  1. “Coagulation cascade”. A neurologist explains why people with COVID-19 often have strokes and strokes
  2. 20 symptoms of Omicron. These are the most common
  3. “All those who want to live should get vaccinated.” Is it enough to protect yourself from the Omicron?
  4. How to wear masks in winter? The rule is more important than ever. Experts observe
  5. The Omicron Wave is approaching. 10 things that can stop her

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