“Havana syndrome” is a group of ailments, the most common of which are headaches and dizziness, neck pain, nausea, fatigue, hearing problems, blood pressure, memory, and more serious brain disorders. In total, it has already touched over 130 people. Interestingly, they were all associated with American politics and worked abroad.
- Some victims have chronic and possibly irreversible symptoms that may suggest permanent brain damage, “writes the New York Times, which reports on the case.
- Doctors also warn that a mysterious disease can lead to suicide
- The term “Havana” comes from the name of the Cuban capital, Havana, where the first cases were recorded
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The “Havana Syndrome” initially concerned US and Canadian diplomats working at the embassies in Havana and Beijing, who began reporting worrying ailments as early as 2016. Over time, cases also emerged in other parts of the world. Currently, over 130 cases have been reported. As it turns out, the disease affects not only diplomats, but also CIA agents and American soldiers. Hence, the search for an answer to the question about the causes of the syndrome leads to the world of politics.
The “Havana syndrome” can be caused by strong radio waves
Since the symptoms that make up the syndrome can be caused by different types of radiation, some US officials have suggested premeditated action and blamed Our Country for responsibility. The State Department and the CIA have not yet confirmed these theories.
The cause of such symptoms may be due to the action of the so-called directed energy. The use of directed energy is based on the use of strong radio waves or microwave devices and particle streams. The use of directed energy can cause simple disturbances in the operation of electronic devices, and in higher doses, cause pain, a number of ailments, and even cause permanent damage to health.
When looking for an explanation for the “Havana syndrome”, an attack with a sonic weapon was considered. Subsonic frequencies lower than those heard by humans also cause similar ailments. Ultimately, however, this theory was ruled out. The theory that the health problems of officials, agents and soldiers was caused by microwave radiation was also not confirmed.
- Syndrome K – a disease that terrified the Nazis and … did not exist
The CIA and the Biden government will be looking for answers
“The CIA is working with other government agencies to redouble our efforts to find answers to unexplained global health incidents affecting personnel,” said Timothy L. Barrett, CIA press secretary. The task force has been working on solving the problem for many months. William J. Burns, director of the CIA, appointed by Joe Biden, announced the continuation of work on solving the problem and cooperation with the Department of State.
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