The harm of carbonated drinks

Scientists speculate that sodas like cola cause hypokalemia, which is the increased excretion of potassium from the body, which weakens muscles. In this case, a person’s condition can range from weakness to … paralysis.

“The health problems of cola drinkers on the face are tooth decay, bone demineralization, the development of metabolic syndrome and diabetes,” says Moses Elisaf from the department of therapy at the University of Ioanina (Greece). Scientists claim that cola contains glucose, fructose, and caffeine that cause hypokalemia.

How did the doctors come to such sad conclusions? Scientists have carefully studied the changes that took place in the bodies of fans of soda. Among these people were two pregnant women. One of them consumed up to three liters of cola daily and complained of fatigue, decreased appetite and vomiting. An electrocardiogram revealed that she had a heart block, and her blood tests showed a low level of potassium in her blood. The second woman also showed problems with potassium levels, and severe muscle weakness was a consequence of the fact that she consumed up to seven liters of cola (daily!) For ten months.

In 2007, the consumption of carbonated soft drinks in the world reached 552 billion liters (approximately 83 liters per person). By 2012, this figure may rise to 85 liters.

Based on materials from

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