The harm of bad postural habits

The harm of bad postural habits

The harm of bad postural habits

At work and in the tasks of daily life, our backs are often damaged, which promotes the onset of back pain. Adopting the right postures according to our activity and avoiding sudden gestures are the essential bases to protect our back from the tensions that it supports daily. Here are some tips to preserve it and promote muscle relaxation.

What are the triggers for back pain?

Whatever our profession or our lifestyle, many of us abuse our backs without realizing it. Carrying too heavy loads, unsuitable bedding or very intense physical activity or manual work, we subject our back to multiple shocks and “false movements” which can lead to back strain. This is why it is necessary to adapt our posture according to our activity.

What if we changed these bad postural habits …

A habit by definition is a repetition. To fight bad habits, it is therefore essential to repeat the following advice daily:

  • Adopt good posture: Good posture is important to protect the back. It also allows you to breathe better, to refine your silhouette and to move more easily. To do this, make sure you align your neck with your spine. It is necessary to move every 30 minutes or so, in order to avoid prolonged static positions which can lead to a misalignment of the spine with additional pressure on the lumbar curvature. 
  • Sleep well: Indeed a good bedding will actively participate in preserving the back. A firm mattress is preferable. The fetal position is to be preferred because in this position the natural curvatures of the spine are respected and avoid cervical tensions which arise during the prone position. Sleeping on the sofa should be avoided, as it causes an imbalance in the natural alignment of the back. 
  • Adapt your workspace:

In a sitting posture, be sure to sit well back in the seat to best balance the weight of the body on the thighs. It is preferable not to cross your legs, to avoid any muscle tension. If you are working in front of a screen, place your forearms on the desk to allow the shoulders to relax. This will prevent tension in the cervical area.

In standing up position, it is imperative to stand up straight. Well-aligned shoulders, straight head and well-distributed body weight are the basis of good posture. Indeed, if you stay leaning forward too long, it increases the pressure on the spine. A little tip if you have to stand for a long time, put one foot on a stool. This will allow you to keep the alignment of the curvatures and reduce the pressure on the spine.

  • Think about stretching: it is recommended to stretch at the end of the day, this helps prevent and relieve pain. A few minutes a day is enough. Stretching is done gently and smoothly. Household chores, for example, participate in physical activity and promote stretching. You might as well take advantage of this activity to build muscle, as we remind you, good muscle cladding is essential to protect the back from the tensions that it regularly supports.

All these small gestures, repeated day after day, will improve your comfort. By modifying your bad postural habits you will protect yourself from back pain which today affects around 80% of the population!

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Over the course of your lifetime, you have an 84% chance of being affected by back pain!1

Often considered the evil of the century, it can quickly turn out to be very annoying: painful movements, fear of hurting yourself, physical inactivity, loss of the habit of moving, weakness of the back muscles2.

So how do you get over back pain? 

There is a solution: Atepadene is a direct-acting muscle relaxant drug used to treat back pain. It is indicated in the adjunct treatment of primary back pain.   

Atepadene is made up of ATP *. ATP is a naturally occurring molecule in your body. ATP is a considerable source of energy that is involved in the muscle contraction / relaxation mechanism.

Atepadene is available in packs of 30 or 60 capsules. The usual dosage is 2 to 3 capsules per day.  

Indication: Additional treatment of primary back pain

Ask your pharmacist for advice – Read the package leaflet carefully – If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

Marketed by the XO Laboratory

Available exclusively in pharmacies. 

* Adenosine disodium triphosphate trihydrate 


(1) Health Insurance. paris / medecin / sante-prevention / pathologies / lumbago / issue-sante-publique (site consulted on 02/07/19)

(2) Health Insurance. Low back pain awareness program. Press kit, Nov 2017.


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