After almost nine months of waiting, sacrifices, and many challenges, there is finally a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Soon your baby will be born and an extremely crazy time will begin. Most women then imagine themselves in a wonderful picture with a baby at the breast or when they hug him while feeding him a bottle full of milk. As soon as your baby is born, you will have to decide how you will feed your baby. Your diet for the next few months will largely depend on this.
After giving birth, you may be exhausted, broken and tired, wondering how best to take care of your baby, what to do to make your food serve him the best. But you also have to think about yourself. It’s time to regenerate and rebuild the form, because only a satisfied and happy mother has the strength and energy to take exhaustive care of the newborn and new challenges.
The most important thing is that your diet does not impoverish the body, is rich in vitamins and minerals, but the amount of protein consumed must be reduced, you can replace portions of meat for dinner with an additional portion of milk.
Eat lean cheeses and poultry, beef, fish. Beef will allow you to supply the body with iron, the level of which has decreased due to bleeding. In some breastfed children, milk can cause allergic reactions, so natural yogurt or kefir is recommended.
You want to return to your pre-pregnancy weight soon. If you have accumulated fat stores during pregnancy you can consume fewer calories, then the stored fat will be used to produce milk for your baby and you will lose weight. On the other hand, if you are underweight, you may need a daily dose 500 calories more than before. You will also need carbohydrates to make you feel better. You will find them in grains, potatoes, pasta or groats. They are rich in fiber, enabling you to solve digestive problems.
Drink plenty of fluids, at least eight glasses a day, which can be juices, water, milk, broth or other soups. In hot weather, increase the portions!
Eat what you like but diversify your meals so that they are not limited to your favorite chocolate or cookies and sweet drinks. Remember that everything you eat will pass with your milk into the body of a young man who depends only on you. So make sure that your meals are easily digestible, boiled or stewed, contain vegetables. Your new small-mammal diet will also have room for little pleasures. Treat yourself from time to time. You’ve already met your nine-month abstinence, now you deserve dessert. At least once in a while. Small amounts of sugar will not negatively affect milk production.
Other recommendations apply to mothers who either cannot breastfeed or do not want to and have decided to use a bottle. This mom doesn’t have to eat for two, she doesn’t have to enrich her meals with calcium or vitamins. He can take an aspirin, have a small drink, eat spicy food. Six weeks after giving birth, she can start to lose weight intensively if she is overweight.
Another issue is your diet in case your toddler has allergies and you have to follow an elimination diet or give up many products. But those are considerations for another time.