The Happiness Pill: Everything You Need to Know About Psychotropic Drugs

Going to the first appointment with a psychiatrist, psychotherapist or neurologist, many of us are worried: will he prescribe pills that will turn us into a “vegetable”? Will there be dependence on the drug? To cope with these fears, it is enough to understand what these or those drugs are.

Not every patient is prescribed psychotropic drugs by a doctor. Moreover, a number of studies show that in the treatment of uncomplicated forms of panic disorder or, for example, post-stress reactions, cognitive behavioral therapy is preferable to pharmacotherapy.

But in some cases, especially with severe prolonged depression, medication is really indispensable. Consider the main types of psychotropic drugs and the principles of their action.


Paxil, sertraline, cipralex

Having diagnosed a patient with clinical depression, anxiety disorder or sleep disorders, the specialist prescribes an antidepressant: tricyclic or tetracyclic, norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor or serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

Antidepressants act on the neurotransmitter systems in the brain. The first effect appears approximately two weeks after the start of administration, and the average course of treatment is about 6 months. At the same time, you need to continue taking the pills even after the condition returns to normal – this will help to consolidate the effect.

As a rule, clients are most afraid of the possibility of becoming dependent on antidepressants. Such dependence is nothing more than a myth, but if you stop taking the drug overnight, unpleasant symptoms (the so-called withdrawal syndrome) may appear.

In addition, some time after discontinuation of the drug, the disease may reappear. This risk can be significantly reduced if antidepressants are combined with psychotherapy. In general, the frequency and severity of side effects is not very high, but the entire course of treatment must necessarily take place under the supervision of a specialist.

In most cases, antidepressants do not cause severe lethargy, and an outside observer will hardly guess that a person is taking the drug. And they do not change a person in any way: as a result of their intake, only mood can change.

Anxiolytic drugs

Alprozalam, phenazepam, lorazepam, grandaxin, atarax

The doctor prescribes such drugs if the patient complains of anxiety and sleep disturbances. The effect of taking anxiolytics (tranquilizers) occurs quickly enough, which allows them to be used as an “ambulance”, including in the first stages of antidepressant treatment – to alleviate symptoms.

However, they can cause dependence with long-term use (more than one month) in large doses and with an independent (without consultation with a doctor) increase in dosage.

In addition, they are prescribed to relieve anxiety attacks, such as panic attacks. But when undergoing psychotherapy, their use to relieve seizures is undesirable.

Antipsychotic drugs

Zyprexa, rispolept, sonapax, etaperazine

These drugs in large doses are prescribed for the treatment of psychosis, and in small doses – as part of the complex treatment of depression and anxiety disorders.

The first generation drugs were characterized by rather severe side effects, but the second generation drugs were much better tolerated.

In general, the side effects of neuroleptics are dose-dependent and usually do not occur when administered in low doses. At the same time, it is important to understand that the side effect of taking antipsychotics is in any case much less “evil” than no treatment at all.

Mood stabilizers (normotimics)

Lithium, lamotrigine, carbamazepine

Mood stabilizers are prescribed to patients with bipolar disorder to prevent or mitigate mood swings. The course of taking these drugs is long, which is associated with the characteristics of the diseases for which they are used.

About expert

Emma Aghasaryan – psychiatrist, member of the Society of Cognitive Psychotherapists and Counselors, psychotherapist in European Medical Center.

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