The hangover remedy – what’s the best? Methods validated by doctors and scientists

Strong headaches, abdominal pain, fatigue and irritability are ailments that have known everyone who has woken up at least once after a night of heavy drinking. However, it should be emphasized right away that there is no specific drink, dish or magic pill that can cure a hangover, although some measures may ease symptoms in some people. In the article we will tell you what a hangover is, what it results from and how to deal with it.

  1. Doctors have no doubts that abstinence is the best remedy for hangovers
  2. However, there are products that can alleviate the effects of alcohol. Scientists have carefully studied them
  3. Check which methods have scientifically proven effects on hangover
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

What is a hangover and where does it come from?

A hangover is a group of unpleasant symptoms that can appear after drinking too much alcohol. These include: fatigue, excessive thirst, dry mouth, headache, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, sleep problems, increased sensitivity to light and sound, dizziness, tremors, decreased ability to concentrate and mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety and irritability.

What exactly makes us hangover? Alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver converts alcohol into acetaldehyde. This, in turn, is further broken down by glutathione and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. The liver cannot keep up with the consumption of large amounts of alcohol. As a result, the toxic acetaldehyde builds up in the blood while the liver tries to make more glutathione. Elevated acetaldehyde levels over time can cause oxidative stress, liver damage, and cancer. It is assumed that genetics also influence the speed and efficiency of alcohol metabolism.

In principle, it is not known exactly how much you need to drink to have a hangover, but it is assumed that the more alcohol you drink, the greater the chance of unpleasant ailments the next day. Most symptoms resolve on their own, although they may last up to 24 hours. To avoid a hangover, simply drink in moderation.

Further part below the video.

The way to deal with a hangover – choosing alcohol

In the process of ethanol fermentation, sugars are converted into carbon dioxide and ethanol, also called alcohol. This process also produces congeners, or toxic chemical by-products, found in many alcoholic beverages. According to the results of a 2019 study published in the scientific journal Alcohol and Alcoholism, consuming congeners-rich beverages may increase the frequency and severity of hangovers. Congeners can also slow down alcohol metabolism, which can prolong symptoms.

Each alcoholic drink contains different amounts of congeners. Those with small amounts include vodka, rum and gin, and those containing large amounts of congeners are tequilas, whiskey and cognac. People who drink bourbon high in congeners experienced a worse hangover than people who drink vodka with low congeners, according to the study. Yet another study (published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in 2020) seems to confirm that the faster the body can process the alcohol we drink, the less hangover symptoms we may experience.

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Hangover Remedy – Sleep

According to a 2015 study published in the Korean Journal of Family Medicine, alcohol can cause sleep disturbance and may be associated with reduced quality and duration of sleep. While low to moderate amounts of alcohol may promote sleep initially, research shows that high amounts and chronic alcohol use can disrupt sleep patterns.

Of course, lack of sleep does not cause a hangover, but it can make it worse. Symptoms such as tiredness, headaches, and irritability may worsen from lack of sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep and allowing your body to heal can ease symptoms and make your hangover more bearable.

Hangover Remedy – Hydration

Drinking alcohol has been shown to lead to dehydration.

This is due to the diuretic effect of alcohol (it increases urine production), which results in a loss of fluids and electrolytes that the body needs to function properly. What’s more, drinking alcohol in greater amounts can even lead to vomiting and diarrhea, further increasing fluid and electrolyte loss.

It is dehydration caused by alcohol consumption that is responsible for many unpleasant symptoms including increased thirst, fatigue, headache and dizziness. Therefore, to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover (and avoid extreme ailments), you should drink plenty of fluids. It is even recommended to drink glasses of water alternately while drinking alcohol. This does not necessarily prevent dehydration, but it can help reduce alcohol consumption.

Also read: Seven unusual signs of dehydration. Do not underestimate!

A hangover remedy – supplementation

Some research suggests that certain supplements can relieve hangovers.

  1. Red ginseng – a study published in 2014 in Food & Function showed that supplementation with red ginseng reduced blood alcohol levels and the severity of hangovers.
  2. Prickly Pear – A 2004 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that prickly pear extract reduces hangover symptoms. According to research results, this even halved the risk of developing severe symptoms.
  3. Ginger – Some studies like the one published in the Journal of Natural Medicines in 2010 found that ginger, brown sugar and mandarin extracts improved some hangover symptoms. Test-tube and animal studies suggest that compounds in ginger may also protect against alcohol-induced liver damage.
  4. Chamomile – In a study published in March 2019 in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, researchers found that shy people experienced greater levels of anxiety the day after drinking alcohol. Drinking chamomile tea may help to soothe any emotionally overwhelming feelings caused by drinking alcohol. What’s more, chamomile can help you sleep more peacefully and alleviate an upset stomach, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH).
  5. Borage oil – A 2017 study published in Human Psychopharmacology found that a supplement containing both prickly pear oil and borage oil, an oil derived from star flower seeds, reduced hangover symptoms in 88 percent of adults. participants. You can buy borage oil HERE.
  6. Eleutero – A 2015 study published in the journal Die Pharmazie found that supplementation with eleuthero extract (also known as Siberian ginseng) alleviated several hangover symptoms and reduced the overall severity of hangover symptoms.
  7. Asparagus – A 2009 study published in the Journal of Food Science found that extracts from asparagus leaves and sprouts contain an abundance of amino acids and minerals that help to relieve hangover symptoms and have liver protective effects that can help the body recover faster.

However, it’s important to remember that more research is still needed on how effective supplements can reduce hangover symptoms.

Hangover remedy – vitamins in the diet

Many of the symptoms of a hangover are due to nutrient deficiencies, and according to a 2004 study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, our body’s vitamin B levels decrease especially when drinking alcohol.

B vitamins are responsible for energy, brain function and the proper functioning of the immune and nervous systems. Deficiencies in vitamin B may be associated with fatigue and low energy levels. To prevent this, it is recommended to eat foods rich in this vitamin, i.e. eggs, lean protein, whole grain bread. Another vitamin to keep in mind when recovering from a hangover is vitamin C. A 2015 study in Alcohol Research Current Reviews found a link between alcohol consumption and a weakened immune system that reduces the body’s ability to defend itself. To avoid exposure to colds, viruses, and possible alcohol-related illnesses, take vitamin C with fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, oranges, red peppers, kiwi, and strawberries.

See also:Do you like oranges and mandarins? Eat them with white crusts

The way to hang over – hearty breakfast

One way to get over a hangover is to eat a hearty breakfast. Why is it working? A good breakfast can help keep your blood sugar level steady, as the previously mentioned study in Alcohol and Alcoholism suggested, low blood sugar is often associated with hangovers.

What’s more, low blood sugar can also worsen some hangover symptoms, including nausea, fatigue, and weakness. Some research, such as that published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine in 2019, suggests that maintaining adequate blood sugar levels can alleviate some of the changes in the body that occur after drinking alcohol, such as acid build-up in the blood. The same study found that eating more zinc-rich foods – such as nuts, seeds, eggs, dairy products, and whole grains – may also be associated with a reduced severity of hangovers.

Another study suggests that excessive drinking may upset the blood chemistry and cause metabolic acidosis, which is characterized by increased acidity. It is often associated with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and fatigue. In addition to reducing some hangover symptoms, a healthy breakfast can provide important vitamins and minerals that can be depleted from excessive alcohol consumption.

While studies assessing the effects of certain foods on hangover symptoms are limited, some studies (such as the one published in Alcohol and Alcoholism in 2020) suggest that L-cysteine, a type of amino acid found in eggs, yogurt and oats, may be beneficial.

Experts recommend reaching for fruits like bananas as they are full of minerals like potassium that can deplete alcohol. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), a banana about 18 cm long contains 422 mg of potassium and 32 mg of magnesium. It is believed that combining alcohol with food can help the body metabolize it more efficiently. Digesting food before or while you drink alcohol can help increase your levels of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), sugar fructose, and blood flow to your liver, which help your body break down alcohol more quickly.

See also: What is best to eat for breakfast? Five suggestions

The method for a hangover – a glass of pear juice

This is one way of dealing with a hangover, but pear juice should be drunk before you get a hangover. It’s a good idea to drink a glass of Korean pear juice before the party. According to a 2013 study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, pear juice helped some subjects break down alcohol and lowered blood alcohol levels, making morning symptoms slightly less intense. However, it should be emphasized that only 14 people participated in this study and not all of them felt the benefits.

  1. You can buy 100% cold pressed pear juice at Medonet Market

A hangover remedy – painkillers

Over-the-counter pain relievers, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can help relieve some hangover-related symptoms. Medicines like ibuprofen and aspirin are often used to reduce pain and treat problems that often come with a hangover, such as headaches and muscle aches.

A 2020 study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine found that a medicine made with a type of NSAID called naproxen and a type of antihistamine called fexofenadine significantly reduced the severity of a hangover compared to placebo. However, a study from the same year, published in Advances in Therapy, advises against using these medications if you experience symptoms such as nausea or abdominal pain, as they can irritate the digestive system and thus worsen symptoms. Moreover, another study published a year earlier in the journal Seminars in Liver Disease warned that painkillers containing acetaminophen may increase the risk of liver damage when combined with alcohol. Therefore, you should not use them to treat a hangover.

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The method for a hangover – physical activity

Some researchers believe exercise is best for a hangover because it increases the flow of oxygen to the brain and pumps out mood-boosting hormones that energize. However, when we have the hardest time to force ourselves to do it.

Experts say that exercise during a hangover should be limited to low to moderate intensity exercise, as a hangover will negatively affect cognition, motor control, and coordination. A review of existing research on the effects of hangovers on the brain, published in the journal Addiction in 2018, confirmed that attention, decision-making and muscle coordination can be impaired during a hangover.

In addition, more than usual, drinking water before, during and after exercise is essential as the body is already dehydrated by drinking too much alcohol.

A way to deal with a hangover – abstinence

Yes, according to doctors, the best way to get rid of a hangover is to avoid alcohol altogether, i.e. abstinence. When you drink alcohol, you introduce toxins into your body that can cause short- and long-term harm. These toxins include acetaldehyde and malondialdehyde. They cause a similar effect to radiation poisoning, so the next day, after drinking too much alcohol, we feel so sick.

There is no perfect and scientifically proven hangover cure, according to a report from the UNC School of Medicine. There are a few things that can help, but nothing quite as effective as avoiding alcohol altogether. It also means that following the principle “What you chose to heal” is not really a hangover cure. This may temporarily relieve symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, but it essentially strengthens the cycle by increasing recovery time. Moreover, drinking regularly carries various health risks. Research like this, published in BMC Public Health in 2019, shows that drinking one bottle of wine a week carries the same harmful health risks as smoking 10 cigarettes a week.

If we can’t just stop drinking, health professionals advise drinking in moderation. This is because the body has a limited number of enzymes available to metabolize alcohol. When the body reaches its full detoxification capacity, the extra alcohol will cause side effects. If, however, even the thought of drinking in moderation fills us with fear and seems impossible to do, we may be suffering from an alcohol use disorder or addiction and need help. It may be a good idea to apply to an Alcoholics Anonymous Association.

Also read: The negative effects of alcohol abuse are visible on the skin

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