The habits of the neighbors who are especially enraged by the quarantine

We’ve put together a pretty impressive list: when your nerves are on edge, it doesn’t cost anything to piss each other off.

What do good neighbors never do? They do not put garbage on the staircase, do not make noise at unacceptable times, do not look into other people’s mailboxes. But now, as many people work remotely, the boundaries of what is permissible are shrinking. And the fact that we were ready to endure at the usual time begins to be very annoying in quarantine.

1. Repair

Well, yes, what else to do if not improve yourself and the space around you. And okay, if the neighbor is limited to a rearrangement or new wallpaper. But no! From somewhere he extracts the eternal damnation of the residents of new buildings – a drill – and there is no peace for anyone from morning to night. But in an attempt to concentrate on work, any extraneous sound distracts? even the awkwardly pushed back chair in the next kitchen. Who would have thought that people make so much noise and do not notice it at all!

2. Smoking

If on the staircase, then the smoker can be found justice. And if on your balcony or out your window? The smoke rises up and flows straight into your apartment. As a result, a complete feeling is created as if the neighbor was smoking a cigarette right in your kitchen. It is already very difficult to cope with this – persuasion is unlikely to help, and it is extremely difficult to prove that a neighbor is harmful to your health.

3. Volume up

Children are yelling, dogs are barking, music is playing, the TV is chatting – all this at the same time and from different angles. And in the kitchen on the floor above, a young couple constantly talks in raised tones. By the evening they move to scandal closer to the bathroom, all the details of their disputes can be discerned in details. The question is, why did people decide to live together if they do not know how to do this, without enduring each other’s brains? And why turn on at full volume everything that has this same volume? Only good headphones or earplugs can save you from this cacophony.

4. Social distance

You need to observe it, but you want to chat. How to be here? Do not call on the phone! At least that’s what my downstairs neighbor thinks. She opens the window and talks to a friend who is standing on the street, on the sidewalk. The whole house is aware of the surrounding gossip, the family twists and turns of both aunts, their attitude to politics, rising prices, etc. This continues until that granny on the street gets tired.

5. Musical instruments

Oh … Children and a music school, adults and an attempt to learn how to play at least a dog waltz – all this equally effectively hits the nerves of neighbors. One and the same boring scale that sounds almost round the clock, and even clumsily played, will drive anyone you want to madness. After all, synthesizers with headphones have long been invented! They take up less space and do not disturb the neighbors.

6. Active games

Children need to put their energy somewhere, of course. But out of respect for others, it would be worthwhile to equip the place for games in such a way that neighbors do not feel that a herd of hippos is rushing over them. Mats and rugs from a series of those that are placed under sports equipment perfectly absorb sound, and it is more convenient to play on them: they are softer and warmer than on the floor. Well, it would be good to postpone the ball with a typewriter on the pedals until better times. But nobody is delaying.

 7. Culinary experiments

From the ventilation in the kitchen pulls fried fish, in the bathroom – burnt dough, from the window carries rancid butter instead of morning freshness … Yes, rushing to master cooking skills, it would be nice to think about the neighbors here. Unfortunately, smells spread throughout the house, not knowing the barriers. And who wants to smell someone else’s pies, sitting in their own kitchen? Not to mention the “rubber” apartments, where cooking takes place around the clock on an industrial scale.

8. Parties

First, it is objectively loud and disturbs everyone. Secondly, during quarantine, parties are a little illegal. And for those who diligently observe self-isolation measures, seeing even with their parents only by video link, it is especially offensive to hear the sounds of revelry behind the wall. After all, people who violate quarantine nullify all the efforts of those who comply with it. Enrages? Enrages.

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