The gynecologist cheated 300 patients

A gynecologist, having a contract with the National Health Fund, cheated 300 patients. What was the scam?

The prosecutor’s office accuses a gynecologist from Białystok (he was in Augustów) that he cheated 300 patients. He did not order tests, and he kept telling them that they should take a medicine that would help with the treatment. He took money during his visits, but he shouldn’t, because he was seeing insured patients. Over 1000 women were questioned in the case and every third testified that the gynecologist diagnosed her with a cervical erosion. He recommended cryotherapy or a medicine that he administered vaginally. He explained that it was a custom-made drug unavailable on the Polish market.

Some patients claim that he did not administer any medications, and others that the diagnosis was missed.

As writes: One of the women insisted that she wanted to know what the doctor was giving her. During her next visit, she asked the gynecologist to write down the ingredients of the medicine she was taking. However, an expert appointed by the prosecutor’s office stated that there was no medicine with such a composition.

Some of the women verified the diagnosis with another doctor and it turned out that they were healthy.

The gynecologist pleads not guilty and refuses to testify. The trial will start on September 3.

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