The gynecologist answers the most common period questions that women are searching for on Google

Women, instead of turning to a specialist, often look for answers to sometimes embarrassing questions online. Most of them concern menstruation, among other things. Spire Healthcare has prepared a list of the most frequent queries about menstruation, which are entered into search engines. Gynecologist Kevin Phillips responded.

In the past, menstruation was almost a taboo subject. The women were ashamed to talk about it. It is because of this that many myths have arisen around one of the most natural things. Spire Healthcare with the help of Dr. Kevin Phillips decided to deal with them. They have prepared answers to frequently asked questions about menstruation. Some of them may surprise you.

However, remember that there are no stupid questions. Women need to know what is really going on with their bodies. And most of all, they shouldn’t be ashamed of it!

  1. This may interest you: Five unexpected symptoms of menstruation. See if you have them too

Can you synchronize your cycle with a friend?

Many women who live together or spend a lot of time together feel as if they have periods around the same time. This is known as menstrual synchronization.

Some researchers have suggested that this is due to the pheromones they release. They were supposed to synchronize their menstrual cycles. However, clinical studies have not been able to conclusively prove that this is the case. Therefore, if you are having your period at the same time as your close friend, it might just be a coincidence.

Further part below the video.

Is the use of tampons completely safe?

Some women find tampons much more comfortable than pads. However, this product has always aroused considerable prejudices. Unnecessarily. The doctor reassures that the correct wearing of the tampon is completely safe. You only need to follow the instructions and, above all, do not leave it in the vagina for more than eight hours. After this time, the risk of developing an infection or irritation of the intimate area increases.

In very rare cases, leaving a tampon on for too long, usually if forgotten, can cause a serious bacterial infection called toxic shock syndrome (TSS), which is life-threatening.

  1. You can buy organic cotton tampons at

How often should the sanitary napkin be changed?

It all depends on how profuse the bleeding is. However, it is best if we replace the sanitary napkin every four to eight hours. Unless it is heavily saturated. Then it must be immediately replaced with a new one to avoid contamination of clothes and underwear.

Is there any food that helps with menstrual cramps?

While inconclusive, some studies suggest that avoiding dehydration, including adequate sources of omega-3 fats and fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet, can help reduce symptoms. You can buy the supplement with omega-3 acids HERE.

  1. See also: Can I drink alcohol during my period?

Do warm compresses help with period pains?

Applying a hot water bottle may ease menstrual pain. However, it is important not to use it for too long. This can cause skin changes, especially if the hot water bottle is placed directly on the body.

Why do we feel like eating unhealthy during my period?

Often, during menstruation, we feel like eating food that is full of carbohydrates. This is due to changes in hormone levels. Some research suggests that eating these foods releases serotonin, which helps you feel happy. In this way, you combat depressed mood caused by hormonal changes just before and during your period.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we were wondering why switching our thinking and acting to slow life is a real challenge? Why is listening to your needs so important? What will it do for us? You will hear about it below.

Read also:

  1. Nine things your gynecologist would like to forbid you
  2. «Endometriosis is like a silent cancer. It’s a disease from hell »
  3. Are the contraceptive patches effective?

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