The guarantee of a muscular body, or the secrets of a high-protein diet
The guarantee of a muscular body, or the secrets of a high-protein diet

Exercise alone is only a small part of the success – to achieve it fully, you also need to eat properly. Among people who want to lose weight, as well as those who practice strength sports, a high-protein diet is the most popular. Its basis is to provide the body with a complete protein, which is the basic building block of muscle tissue.

A high-protein diet is an effective way to a sculpted body, while reducing body fat. The main rule is to limit carbohydrates and fats, while increasing protein in the daily menu. Of course, nothing will happen by itself – a diet rich in protein will not conjure up sculpture, exercise is necessary. Still, it will be a great booster, regardless of whether you care more about gaining muscle or losing fat.

Effect of protein on the body:

  • muscle building,
  • Appetite reduction,
  • It is the basis for the synthesis of hormones and enzymes,
  • transporting oxygen,
  • Increasing the body’s immunity,
  • Tissue regeneration.

What is this about?

To achieve the intended effect, you should provide the body with animal protein in amounts from 150 to 180 grams every day. Its amount should not exceed 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. Due to high physical activity during training, athletes should provide the body with the right amount of calories, i.e. from 3000 to 3500 kcal.

It is also worth remembering about the consumption of products that remove free radicals. This is due to the flavonoids found in fruits, vegetables, cocoa and green tea. The diet of a sports person must be rich in selenium and vitamins A, C, E. Such a diet will provide protection against cell damage and the development of cancer.

The amount of protein you should take depends, of course, on the sport you practice. It is difficult to clearly determine how many kilograms can be lost using a diet – it all depends on the individual predisposition of the body, but assuming that someone will carefully select products and follow the rules, within three weeks he will certainly lose 1 to 5 kilograms.

How to compose a menu in a high-protein diet?

Protein can be found in fish, meat and milk, which contain complete animal protein, as well as in cereal grains and legumes (vegetable protein). In addition to natural sources, you can also use special protein supplements, but this step should be consulted with a nutritionist. Of course, taking this type of preparations cannot do without very intense physical activity, i.e. practicing sports such as bodybuilding or strength training. At the same time, you should remember about common sense, because too much protein in the diet leads to dangerous health effects, i.e. acidification of the body, as well as overloading the kidneys and liver.

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