The growth of a girl at 2 years old: what is the average according to WHO standards

The growth of a girl at 2 years old: what is the average according to WHO standards

Two-year-olds are very smart and independent. During this period, the parent needs to know that there are certain indicators of the growth of a girl at 2 years old. Each child is individual, so do not panic if the baby’s parameters do not correspond a little to the required indicators.

What is the average height of two-year-old girls

Among girls at the age of two, you can find very differently developed babies. They differ not only in their mental abilities, skills and knowledge, but also in their external characteristics and parameters.

The height of girls at 2 years old may differ, since each child is different

The data offered by the World Health Organization vary from 80 to 93 cm. As you can see, the range is quite wide. If the indicators are only approaching critical figures, this is still the norm, although this state indicates a slight advance or lag in growth.

But if the indicators are below or above the indicated limits, it may be a hormonal endocrinological or hereditary disease. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

If all the tests are in order, then this is just a feature of the child and over time everything will fall into place.

It must be remembered that diseases that are accompanied by impaired growth lead to great problems with physical and mental health. These are isolated cases, but it is better to be warned in time. With appropriate treatment, the negative effects can be minimized. Knowing the normal growth rates, you can prevent the development of serious diseases in time.

WHO developmental standards for girls at 2 years old

It is imperative to ensure that the growth indicators correspond to the weight and head circumference. The weight of girls at 2 years old should vary from 10,2 to 14 kg. Weight below 10 kg should alert parents, as well as overweight. The head circumference should be between 46 and 51,5 cm.

The number of teeth at this age should be 16. But if this figure is slightly less or more, there is no pathology.

At 2 years old, a child should be able to:

  • think logically;
  • fulfill simple requests from parents;
  • draw simple figures;
  • talk in short sentences;
  • naming and showing body parts;
  • walk up the stairs;
  • show interest in the pot;
  • wear light, loose clothing.

If the baby does not know how to perform any of the above actions, it means that you need to study more with him and teach him how to do this.

At 2 years old, girls should be active, agile and smart. At this age, children learn about the world at a fast pace, so they need to provide the appropriate conditions for this.

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