The groom got a drip before the after-party. This is a common practice now

Recently, a friend of mine was at a typical Polish wedding, where alcohol was in abundance. And for Sunday, according to tradition, there were corrections planned. The groom in the morning was not in the best condition, but the witness prepared for it. At 11.00, he ordered a “hangover drip” for him. With access to the customer. Such infusions are used more and more often in Poland. How it’s working? And what does the doctor say?

  1. “Hangover drip” can be obtained at a special clinic or at the address indicated – some companies offer transport directly to the client
  2. The composition of the infusion is primarily glucose, as well as electrolytes and vitamins
  3. The procedure takes about 60 minutes
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

“Hangover drip” – what exactly is it?

Drinking alcohol, especially in excess, is definitely bad for your health. Among the most immediate and quickest side effects is a hangover such as headache, nausea, and diarrhea the next day. These symptoms occur due to two factors: dehydration of the body and the toxins that have been introduced into it.

Giving a drip to people who have drunk alcohol is nothing new. This is how the effects of alcohol poisoning are alleviated when the patient is admitted to the ED. He then receives an infusion to improve his condition.

For some time in our country, however, such “hangover drips” have been used by people who simply want to feel better or sober up faster. It started with celebrities, then clinics specializing in such services appeared.

The composition of such infusion includes electrolytes, glucose, vitamins and minerals as well as painkillers and antiemetics. As with drips given in hospitals.

– It is the same drip, although of course in such clinics various things add to it – for example vitamins or ions – explains Eryk Matuszkiewicz, a clinical toxicology specialist for MedTvoiLokony, who works at the Department and Department of Emergency Medicine. – We mainly serve pure liquid, if there is no other need. However, such an infusion is all about hydrating the patient. Alcohol has a dehydrating effect on us – we lose fluids and electrolytes with it. Secondly, the idea is to accelerate the elimination, i.e. the removal of alcohol from the body. This way it actually happens faster, which in simple words means that you get sober faster through the drip.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Who is the “hangover drip” for?

This type of drip is used today not only by emergency department patients. This is a way to “recover” after the party. Increasingly, infusions are also used by the bride and groom or wedding guests.

– The services we offer are intended for people who want to quickly get back on their feet after a light party or need an additional injection of energy – explains Tomasz Hendzel, doctor and Medical Director of in an interview with Medonet. – We also help to detoxify the body after a long party weekend due to the very rich supplementation of the packages we offer. You can say that with drips is like exercise or even food – you should use moderation and common sense.

There are no social divisions in the case of “hangover drip”. People from all walks of life use them. They are often professionally and socially active people for whom the “day-ahead syndrome” is a logistical problem.

– Due to the fact that the preparations we provide allow you to quickly and easily replenish the level of necessary nutrients, and the substances are introduced into the body intravenously, which allows them to be almost XNUMX% absorbed, the interest in this type of services is very high. Most of our patients are very active both privately and professionally, they participate in numerous meetings, where they also sometimes drink alcohol, and due to the obligations that await them the next day, they cannot always afford the so-called day off. The services we offer are used by patients representing most strata of society – adds Tomasz Hendzel.

In turn, the toxicologist Eryk Matuszkiewicz points out, however, that such a solution is more of a “firefighter’s method”, consisting in reacting when it is necessary. In his opinion, there is no need to do this regularly.

– If we function normally on a daily basis, we are able to take fluids on our own, and with them electrolytes, this is an equivalent or even preferred route. Because it is known that it is through the digestive tract that food and fluids should get into the body. And if this is not an option or we want it to be faster, then we are left with the parenteral route, i.e. drip – says the toxicologist.

Can anyone use a hangover drip?

The task of the “hangover drip” is primarily to accelerate the regeneration process of the body after consuming alcohol. However, the question remains whether this method can be used by anyone who would like to feel better after drinking a few glasses.

– It depends on what is in this drip – says toxicologist Eryk Matuszkiewicz. – If it is pure saline, glucose or electrolyte fluid, and we have no contraindications, then such a method will not do us any great harm. It will definitely improve our well-being, because we will hydrate faster, which is very necessary for us after drinking alcohol. In addition, the elimination of alcohol itself will be accelerated, but most of all metabolites, because they are actually toxic and they make us feel bad.

The procedure itself is relatively simple: the client calls one of the clinics offering this type of infusion and makes an appointment to administer the fluid. It is often possible to order a service directly to your home.

– Each of our visits begins with an interview, general health assessment and examination of the patient’s basic vital signs. Of course, medical documentation is prepared, and the patient’s written consent to the procedure is also of key importance. If, after the preliminary procedures, the patient’s condition allows the procedure to be performed, we proceed to medical procedures. As a medical entity, we only employ highly specialized doctors and paramedics, which allows us to guarantee the highest quality of services provided – explains Tomasz Hendzel from

The client is under the drip for about 60 minutes. The cost of such a service starts from PLN 450.

Drip drip uneven. How to minimize the risk?

Although it should be clearly emphasized that excessive alcohol consumption is not advisable and moderate drinking is the best form of prevention, but if the need arises, infusion may be a solution. It is not some magic agent distributed on the “black market”, but a medical device containing the body’s electrolytes or glucose.

However, the source is the key here, because not only clinics that are medical entities, and therefore subject to inspections, operate on the Polish market. If we get to one of them, we have no guarantee that we will receive a safe IV with a proven composition, that it will be given to us by medical staff, and everything will take place in sterile conditions.

– When choosing this type of services, it is worth using companies that are medical entities, because only they can provide the highest quality of services, based on the regulations in force in our country – Tomasz Hendzel sensitizes. – We, as a medical entity, guarantee qualified and experienced medical staff, we use certified and disposable medical equipment of the highest quality and only pharmaceutical medicinal products admitted to trading in our country. Many years of experience allow us to perfectly adjust the treatment to the individual needs of our patients.

AlcoTEST, i.e. testing the alcohol content in the exhaled air, can be purchased at Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to ecology. How to be eco and not go crazy? How can we care for our planet on a daily basis? What and how to eat? You will hear about this and many other topics related to ecology in the new episode of our podcast.

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