The other day, the media published a shocking story. The family refused to take the 96-year-old grandmother from the hospital, who was in the neurosurgery department, out of fear of contracting the coronavirus.
169 055 271April 17 2020
In Moscow, relatives disowned a 96-year-old grandmother, whom the doctors were going to dismiss from the hospital. The pensioner underwent treatment at the neurosurgery department of the City Clinical Hospital No. 13.
Since the patient was recovering, and the medical facility began to prepare to receive those infected with the coronavirus, she was discharged. However, the family was in no hurry to take grandmother home.
According to the grandson, they are afraid of contracting the coronavirus, because the grandmother had been in the hospital for some time and could have come into contact with the infected. The family will pick up the 96-year-old relative only after she is tested for COVID-19.
“What difference does it make to me, old or not? Now this is the situation, you understand. It is very difficult, everyone is afraid for themselves. The situation is terrible, everyone is dying like flies, ”the grandson said.
Now the pensioner had to be transferred to the Yudin City Clinical Hospital. “The relatives really don’t want to take her out of the hospital. As soon as the woman is discharged, she will be able to go to the boarding house of labor veterans, where she had previously been issued a voucher, as a special commission of the Department of Social Protection recognized the woman in need of outside care, help and guardianship, ”the press service of the institution told KP.