The gold, incense and myrrh that the Three Kings gave Jesus are medicines that are effective to this day

“And opening their treasures, they offered him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh”, we read in the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Precious and symbolic gifts. Gold signifies power over the world, incense divinity, and myrrh (in Hebrew mor, meaning bitter) speaks of the human nature of Jesus and is interpreted as an announcement of passion and death on the cross. It is worth emphasizing that gold, frankincense and myrrh had a wide practical application, primarily as a panacea for many diseases that consume humanity. Ancient knowledge about their amazing healing properties is still being discovered and enriched with the results of further research.

  1. What healing properties do the gifts of the three kings have?
  2. Few people know, but gold, for example, is still used in medicine, especially in aesthetic treatments, but it is also an ingredient in creams
  3. In turn, incense has been thoroughly tested for its health properties
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Gold, the Earth’s memento of the explosion of supernovae

A metal of such origin cannot be ordinary. For thousands of years, mankind has credited it with magical powers. The ore was mined in ancient Egypt and gold jewelry was made there. And the first gold coins were minted as early as the XNUMXth century BC

Although the ancients valued gold primarily as an investment of capital, they were also aware of its medicinal qualities. Cleopatra probably did not know that it fights free radicals, but she must have known that it slows down the aging process of the skin and improves its color. According to legend, in order to keep her radiant young complexion, she slept in a golden mask.

In the twenty-first century, the so-called Cleopatra’s treatment is very popular, and beauty salons around the world advertise it as one of the most exclusive. Why? Of course, the main ingredient in the mask that customers put on is 24 carat gold. The noble metal in the form of nanoparticles supports the penetration of peptides into the deeper layers of the skin. As a result, the production of elastin and collagen increases, and the skin becomes taut and bright, and wrinkles are smoothed out. The treatment soothes inflammation and slows down the processes of melanin production, reducing age spots and discoloration. The Romans knew the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects of goldwho added them to ointments used for skin problems.

The fact that it stimulates the formation of blood vessels in the skin, and thus its nourishment and oxygenation, and increases the activity of fibroblasts (dermal cells responsible for the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid), has been used by modern cosmetology. Gold is a component of anti-aging and revitalizing creams for tired skin. In addition, gold particles are added to powders, lotions and eye shadows. They seem to be irreplaceable when it comes to illuminating the skin and giving it a warm color.

Aesthetic medicine doctors sew microscopic golden threads into the skin to stimulate connective tissue and prevent sagging. Traditional medicine has been treating rheumatoid arthritis (RA, rheumatism) with gold salt injections for over 100 years. According to research published in 2008, gold salts inhibit the production of HMGB1 particles that accumulate in the tissues around the joints of the hands or feet and cause inflammation.

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Incense with a citrus scent improves the oxygenation of the brain

Frankincense, or olibanum, is an aromatic resin obtained from incense trees (Boswellia family) growing in Somalia, Ethiopia and the south of the Arabian Peninsula. The resin in the form of light yellow lumps, while burning, gives off a characteristic sweet citrus scent.

Like myrrh, In antiquity, incense was a luxury commodity, more valuable than gold. It brought wealth to merchants, and lush development to towns located on trade routes. The demand for them was so great that there were fakes on the market, namely resin imported from India, which had a different color and worse smell, but was much cheaper.

In Egypt, incense was used to embalmer a corpse, and also … as eye pencils. In addition to emphasizing the beauty, it was supposed to protect the eyesight. Huge amounts of olibanum were purchased from the Phoenicians to make incense that repels insects, and ointments for wounds and anti-wrinkles. It was also used for oral care and the production of perfumes. Ancient Greece and Rome also imported large amounts of incense. It was used in funeral and magic rituals, when offering sacrifices to deities. House interiors were incensed with it, clothes were disinfected and used for body care. Ancient medicine considered them a remedy for asthma and respiratory problems. Inhalations were recommended, which, in addition to their beneficial effects on the respiratory system, were to cleanse the patient’s body, improve his well-being and even cheer him up. Interestingly, the strong influence of incense on the lungs and the nervous system has been confirmed today.

Moreover, it turns out that olibanum has a positive effect on the secretion of thyroid hormones. Due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties, it is used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. They have been studied as a potential drug in the treatment of cancer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, anxiety and asthma. For now, doctors’ opinions are divided, because although frankincense therapy was considered safe, the results of the laboratory tests were summed up as “encouraging but not convincing enough”.

Researchers at the University of Leicester have discovered a chemical in incense that has the ability to kill cancer cells. This particular ingredient is acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid (AKBA). It has been thoroughly examined by specialists from the local Department of Cancer Studies and Molecular Medicine who have found that it has the ability to fight ovarian cancer cells even in its last stage. The discovery that AKBA is effective even in chemotherapy-resistant cancer cells also looks promising.

While modern medicine studies the healing potential of incense, it is still used in aromatherapy. In combination with myrrh, cardamom and cinnamon, it is supposed to stop stomach pain, fight bad breath, help cough up phlegm and soothe pain. It has been proven that the sesquiterpenes it contains increase the oxygenation of the brain by up to 28%. Therefore, it has a positive effect, among others on learning processes. They are praised by natural therapists and herbalists. It is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. The modern perfume industry also uses olibanum – incense works great in perfumes for both women and men.

Do you want to try out how incense burner works? YANGO curcumin, incense and ginger is a supplement that you can buy on Medonet Market at a promotional price. You can also order YANGO hyaluronic acid for joints, which contains incense.

Myrrh stimulates the body and mind

Myrrh is, like incense, a resin, but secreted by the bark of the Commiphora Myrrha Engler shrub – the embalmer myrrh that grows in the Arabian Peninsula, Ethiopia and Somalia. The best resin is obtained by collecting dried “tears” formed spontaneously on the surface of the bark. Initially, it has the consistency of a semi-liquid gum, only to solidify after two weeks. Then it looks like crystallized honey with a brown or red-golden color, a pleasant smell (a mixture of cinnamon sweetness with ripe orange) and a bitter taste. Compared to incense, it contains more essential oils obtained in the distillation process. The resin can also be powdered to become a constituent of capsules and tablets, or sprinkled with alcohol to form a tincture.

The ancient Egyptians used myrrh for embalming the bodies, the Jews used it for anointing. On the other hand, the Romans, who paid attention to its antiseptic and anesthetic properties, made it a component of medicines. The Chinese, on the other hand, treated arthritis and hypertension with balsam resin.

There is a great deal of information about myrrh in the Bible, where it is mentioned over 150 times. The Book of Esther speaks of its importance as a perfect cosmetic. Similarly, in the Book of Songs of Songs, myrrh is mentioned as a beautifying agent: “I have risen to open to my beloved, and my hands have dripped myrrh, and my precious myrrh has been dripping into the handle of the bolt”. But also as a kind of perfume worn by women in pouches on their breasts: “My beloved is to me a bag of myrrh laid among my breasts”.

The perfumery industry uses myrrh oil as a fragrance fixative and an ingredient in a composition with a spicy-balsamic, oriental note. It is one of the most used essential oils in the world. Its two main active compounds are terpenes and sesquiterpenes. They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, as well as antibacterial properties. Sesquiterpenes affect the brain’s amygdala and emotions, helping you focus, stay calm and feel good. Myrrh oil can be inhaled or sprayed as aromatherapy, rubbed into the skin, or taken orally. It has an excellent effect on the skin, moisturizes it and adds elasticity. However, due to its astringent and antibacterial properties, it is used in cosmetics for oily and acne-prone skin and for preventing hair loss.

The Greek physician Hippocrates has already written about the benefits of myrrh, and today we can find it in the recipes of many drugs. It is used as a natural painkiller, antiseptic and healing aid. Its essential oils heal athlete’s foot, eczema and support the respiratory system. They can be added to a warm bath or applied directly to the skin. Recently, the American scientific journal “Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health” published the results of studies that show the effectiveness of myrrh in lowering cholesterol.

In traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, it is a remedy for hypothyroidism. It affects the blood and the female reproductive system, removes clots from the uterus and accelerates the growth of new tissue.

In addition, embalming resin is an ingredient in many dental care products (toothpastes and mouthwashes). It works well with bleeding gums, in periodontitis, soothes inflammation of the mouth, reduces bad breath.

There are even preparations for the throat that contain, among others, myrrh. Try, for example, Myrrh and Throat Propolis Herbal Monasterium available on Medonet Market in a package of 12 lozenges. You can also buy Mirra and propolis for the throat without sugar.

Those who are not entirely convinced of the beneficial effects of myrrh and incense on our health can always try to light the traditional incense and enjoy the soothing bouquet of fragrances. In addition, they scare away mosquitoes and cleanse the air of toxins.

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