- The girl squatted 31 times for 100 days – how her body changed
- Day 1. On enthusiasm
- Day 2. A matter of technology
- Day 3. This is speed!
- Day 4. The first fruits of training
- Day 7. Don’t skip
- Day 10. Everything is calculated
- Day 15. Equator
- Day 17. Something new
- Day 25. Discipline is fine
- Day 28. The quota is exceeded!
- Day 31. Summing up
- Conclusions:
The girl squatted 31 times for 100 days – how her body changed
Our reader decided to conduct an experiment on herself and reported on its results.
I am looking for lightness and joy in everything. Whether it’s a relationship with a man, housekeeping, or self-care. I always choose less thorny and more gentle paths for myself. Meanwhile, I always dream of the ideal! Where can you find the middle ground? From experience, the secret is to do everything regularly.
Julia decided to throw herself another challenge and began to squat 100 times every day for a month
A couple of months ago, in the hope of strengthening the muscles of the body in the shortest possible time, I arranged a challenge – a month of daily planks. As a result, visual changes in the figure, strengthening of muscles and by no means exhausted, but the most satisfied with the result, I am.
Now summer is persistently knocking with a hot palm on our windows, flirting, inviting you to walk in the park in a mini-skirt or shine on the beach with a heart-breaking bikini!
In connection with the prospect that appeared on the horizon to put on a summer wardrobe, each of us probably more than once cautiously turned his back to the mirror and, biting his lip, tried to critically evaluate his fifth point in reflection. “Nothing, I’ll sunbathe a little, and it will be better …”
I also took up such contemplation a month ago. She pursed her lips, figured out the possible options for SOS rehabilitation, but I definitely realize that refreshing the skin tone with a light tan or reducing weight is unlikely to affect the shape of the buttocks. The condition of the muscles is flabbiness, lack of tone, this is what will give a minus to the hot summer image of any girl.
So, I decide, for the first time I give my body a new challenge – 100 squats daily!
The figure of the heroine before the experiment
Day 1. On enthusiasm
When making decisions, I always get a warlike attitude. Spiritually I squat 20 times, I feel the muscles of my legs begin to clog. The next approach is to run to work. On my return, between cooking cutlets and hanging the laundry, I do two more approaches, 30 times each. There is! 100 times. Made!
Day 2. A matter of technology
I squat in the “old-fashioned” way: feet shoulder-width apart. I read on Laysan Utyasheva’s page that it is more effective to squat with legs wider apart, as if sitting on a low chair. I squat deeper, feel the hips and buttocks tighten more.
Day 3. This is speed!
It seemed to me that I should begin to feel the pleasant pain in the muscles from the exercises right now. Nothing like that yet. I decide to give the whole hundred in a fell swoop: 4 sets of 25 times. In time, with breaks for relaxation, it took no more than three minutes. My timing, I love it!
Day 4. The first fruits of training
Great, the buns ache as well as the thigh muscles.
Day 7. Don’t skip
After a week, I understand that sometimes even a couple of minutes, especially in the morning, are not enough to work at full strength during 100 squats. I am distracted by gathering my daughters for a school photo shoot, along the way I try to cook dinner before breakfast and enjoy other female pleasures, while not forgetting to maintain a great mood. Laziness and household chores are the best arguments for nets. If it’s hard to tune in to a workout at home, here are my life hacks.
Squat in the elevator (I live on the 13th floor, I manage to do two sets of 20-25 squats, riding back and forth, for example, to and from work).
Another 20 times, for example, when visiting the restroom at work. You can do 2 sets per day.
You can always squat while walking with children, in the park or on the playground.
Day 10. Everything is calculated
I keep a handy diary in notes on the number of squats performed. Check marks for every day – plus in the piggy bank of self-confidence, in my intentions, and also a small step on the way to my charming and fit ass!
Day 15. Equator
At the beginning of my challenge, I made a decision not to look over my shoulder until the end of the challenge, trying to assess the dizzying results of my hard work. But there was no prohibition to touch with your hands! On palpation, friends, it becomes obvious that the priest has become stronger, and the hips are firmer. I can feel the difference! Will it really work?
Day 17. Something new
Squats a la “sumo wrestler” are starting to get boring. I am replacing a couple of approaches of regular squats with new exercises from blogger Nastya Rodionova:
lunges (lower knee lower, upper knee at an angle of 90 degrees, back straight),
squats reminiscent of a curtsy: first on one leg, the knee of the second tends to the heel of the first, then we change legs: “monsieur”, “mademoiselle!” (add this exercise to the collection of life hacks for squats in non-standard places. “Reverance” is convenient to do, even if you are in a pencil skirt and move around the office on heels, checked).
Day 25. Discipline is fine
I like! For a week now, I have not been phony, scattering 100 squats a day and wondering if I can sit a dozen times, which I owe myself. I do all 100 squats in the morning before breakfast. It really only takes a few minutes, so no excuses!
Day 28. The quota is exceeded!
Introduced into the habit of extra squats, using my life hacks. Coming out of the established norm of 100 squats.
Day 31. Summing up
My daughter takes control photos. I worry. For the purity of the experiment, I put on black underwear, as in the first photos taken a month ago. Remained at the same weight. I haven’t sunbathed yet this year.
I squint, but I look at the photo.
Well, sir! What do you say? It seems to me that in just a month I improved the proportions of the figure, the buttocks became rounded, harder, and, in my opinion, the dimples decreased. And it only takes 3-5 minutes a day with the simplest exercises!
Photo of the heroine at the end of the experiment
To be honest, I did not expect to see my butt round as a ball in just a month. But I was confident in my abilities and ready for changes. And they are! Of course, this is only the beginning of the journey, but the thrill is that in a month I have already managed to form a habit. Since I am still in the plank after the end of the first challenge, then I will squat every day. It’s not difficult at all, but how cool!
PS One minute a day for the bar, three minutes for squats, and in a day I still have 23 hours and 56 minutes! What else to think of?